The campaign for Judge Mike Anderson has gotten underway in a big way today with the immediate endorsement of Judge Anderson from former Harris County District Attorney Johnny Holmes.
“Mike Anderson has the qualities it will take to restore the leadership and integrity of the District Attorney’s Office. I’m proud to support Mike," said Mr. Holmes, according to a press release.
For more information about Judge Anderson's campaign, check out
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The 2024 Election
Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...
I'm sure by now that all of you have heard that Kelly Siegler resigned, effective immediately from the Harris County District Attorney...
One of the types of cases that bothered me tremendously when I was a Prosecutor and continues to bother me as a Defense Attorney is what are...
In addition to the extremely heated battle for Harris County District Attorney, there are only a handful of other races within the Criminal ...
...... and Jim Leitner endorses Pat Lykos!
What goes around comes around, huh Jimbo?
Ain't politics grand?
Let's hope that Harris County voters will take note of the endorsement from John B. Holmes, Jr. of the Honorable Mike Anderson for District Attorney of Harris County.
Pat Lykos has brought shame beyond measure on the D.A's Office. Let's hope the Republican Party will finally acknowledge how unqualified Ms. Lykos really is. Unlike Mr. Holmes, who tried many criminal cases and was a legend in the courtroom, Pat Lykos has NEVER personally prosecuted a single case in her career.
If you've got some time, watch the 11-minute interview with Mr. Anderson on Channel 13 website. He knows exactly whats going on at the HCDAO and is serious about fixing it.
Elizabeth @ 4:33,
Let's also hope the stench of Rosenthal that tainted Siegler and Holmes does not now taint Anderson.
Thank goodness Mike shaved off his mustache! Johnny--Chuck--Mike painted as the moustacheod 3 Musketeers might not play so well with the general public.
NO person has Ever tainted Mr. Holmes. To no fault of her own K.S. did get some of the stench you speak of.
But the REAL blame for K. S.' s loss - and the key to a win for, hands down, the best candidate - MIKE ANDERSON is for EVERYONE to see this through to the bitter a runoff /in case Party "p l a y a s" throw in a 3rd 11th hour token candidate.
I've mentioned this example before which is true: Cop is getting a SW prepared and with the posture of James Dean leaning back in his chair and the ada typing sway he casually ponders: Hmm gotta remember to go vote again for Kelly. Typing stopped. Prosecutor replied: "ahem..that runoff was 4my days ago!'.
And everyone quit hair this or that. You will be surprised how we'll received Mike is and will be in those circles. So please pipe down on those negatives. THIS AIN'T 2008!
We should all pause for a moment and consider this about Mike Anderson: He has nothing to prove here. He already had a long and extremely successful career as a prosecutor (actually trying the cases and not just strutting around with a DA badge in his pocket pretending to be an Asst. DA); then he went on to become successful as a respected District Court Judge, and up to this week he had a wonderful, peaceful life in retirement with his wife and children and sometimes sat as visiting judge. HE HAS SACRIFICED HIS PEACE IN LIFE AND HIS FAMILY TO SAVE WHAT IS LEFT OF THE REAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND TO RESTORE SAFETY AND PROTECTION TO OUR PUBLIC.
This is not about moustacheos, this is about bringing REAL integrity back to the people out there who scarcely even know who the DA is until they or their loved one falls victim to the evil elements who are certainly out there walking among us tonight. Put yourself in the victim's shoes and ask yourself: Do I want Pat Lykos or her machine to try the capital murder case my mother was killed in, or Mike Anderson? ITS THAT SIMPLE,ITS THAT SERIOUS, AND THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS. DO THE RIGHT THING FOR YOURSELVES,PEOPLE! VOTE FOR MIKE ANDERSON.
We should all pause for a moment and consider this about Mike Anderson: He has nothing to prove here. He already had a long and extremely successful career as a prosecutor (actually trying the cases and not just strutting around with a DA badge in his pocket pretending to be an Asst. DA); then he went on to become successful as a respected District Court Judge, and up to this week he had a wonderful, peaceful life in retirement with his wife and children and sometimes sat as visiting judge. HE HAS SACRIFICED HIS PEACE IN LIFE AND HIS FAMILY TO SAVE WHAT IS LEFT OF THE REAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND TO RESTORE SAFETY AND PROTECTION TO OUR PUBLIC.
This is not about moustacheos, this is about bringing REAL integrity back to the people out there who scarcely even know who the DA is until they or their loved one falls victim to the evil elements who are certainly out there walking among us tonight. Put yourself in the victim's shoes and ask yourself: Do I want Pat Lykos or her machine to try the capital murder case my mother was killed in, or Mike Anderson? ITS THAT SIMPLE,ITS THAT SERIOUS, AND THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS. DO THE RIGHT THING FOR YOURSELVES,PEOPLE! VOTE FOR MIKE ANDERSON.
I still support Judge Pat Lykos and she is the best person for that job
With just little luck and a lot of hard work (and $) Mike Anderson will win this election.
Wonder if he'll keep Jimmy as First A--kisser...?
I didn't think so. He won't need one.
I am a prosecutor. I LOVE my job. I don't know what else to be. I have always been proud of my job because I felt I was a prosecutor that was fair, respected by police officers, and defense attorneys. I believe that police officers know that I would help them if I could, and defense attorneys know that I am approachable and will listen to their arguments.
My criticism of Pat Lykos is this: she makes ALL of her decisions based on politics and public perception. This is NOT the proper way to be the elected DA. The right thing, should just be that; the right thing. It shouldn't matter what the press can do, will do, might do, to distort your good intent. Your decision is based on what is right, justice. Justice can be putting someone in prison, or letting them go. It seems that most prosecutors are not free to make their own decisions, and always feel as if their decisions are reviewed by those higher up. There are policies in place for the sole purpose of having policies. No exceptions. Do the right thing? Uhm, not if it violates a policy. The problem with set in stone policies is that each case is different. The facts are different, the defendant's history and mental status are different, the actions of the complainant are different, EVERY CASE is different. This is because Pat Lykos is a politician, not a prosecutor. (I am not even going to address the Grand Jury Investigation, etc and and many other reasons why she is not a good DA.)
I predict that some members of the defense bar will complain that Mike Anderson was a prosecutor on the bench, and they don't want him to be DA. But follow me for a bit.... what better, than someone that has evaluated cases, tried cases, presided over be the elected DA. Think about what would change with Anderson as DA....prosecutors would be more secure in what they do and who they are. I think that they will be given the freedom necessary to do their jobs. They can evaluate a case and make a decision based on what that individual prosecutor believes is appropriate, after evaluating all the evidence. This believe is appropriate without as much fear of reprisal from supervisors, and the 6th floor. Anderson understands what it takes to be a prosecutor, and what it takes to supervise prosecutors. Think about what would not change... Defense attorneys say that they like Lykos because she gave them offense reports. I highly doubt Anderson would change that.
Please understand that there are some of us that are hanging on...trying to stay at the office, solely to do the right thing. It would probably be more profitable for me to leave.......go civil, go defense, etc. But that's not where my heart is. I pray that the general public and the white hairs pay attention. I pray that they understand that we can't speak out.
@anon 810pm: seriously? You are clearly not well informed about her affect on the masses of ADA's trying to do the right thing, and fight the good fight. She is a politician. The ADA's still slaving away at HCDAO need a Prosecutor, not a Politician. How about she go run for some other office?
Mike Anderson will win. When Mike wins, there are a few key personell moves that I hope Mike makes.
1. Kelly Siegler should be back as the head of special crimes and Joni Vollman should be fired.
2. Bert Graham back as first assistant to try and undo the massive budget mess created by the Gang.
Jim Leitner should be demoted to the Misdemeanor section where he will serve as a JP prosecutor. The purpose of this move is to expose Jim Leitner for who he is. He will take the position.
3. Clean out Chow, Barnhill, Durfee, Greenwood, Bridgewater, John Jordan, Rachel Palmer, the Divert prosecutors, and the others Lykos personally brought into the office. This is a must do in order to regain trust. It is going to be interesting to see who above will try to return to the trial bureau in order to become forgotten before the new administration takes over.
4. Fill those spots if possible with Luci Davidson, Steven St. Martin, Lester Blizzard, Donna Goode, Kevin Petroff, Warren Diepraam, John Jocher, Mark Donnelly and other experienced prosecutors who would consider coming back to the office.
5. Re-evaluate all felony district court chiefs and be prepared to demote or fire those who would not have benn promoted but for the massive amount of people who were fired or quit.
I am interested to hear what moves others think should be made? I can't wait to be proud to say that I am a Harris County Prosecutor again.
Mike Anderson will win. When Mike wins, there are a few key personell moves that I hope Mike makes.
1. Kelly Siegler should be back as the head of special crimes and Joni Vollman should be fired.
2. Bert Graham back as first assistant to try and undo the massive budget mess created by the Gang.
Jim Leitner should be demoted to the Misdemeanor section where he will serve as a JP prosecutor. The purpose of this move is to expose Jim Leitner for who he is. He will take the position.
3. Clean out Chow, Barnhill, Durfee, Greenwood, Bridgewater, John Jordan, Rachel Palmer, the Divert prosecutors, and the others Lykos personally brought into the office. This is a must do in order to regain trust. It is going to be interesting to see who above will try to return to the trial bureau in order to become forgotten before the new administration takes over.
4. Fill those spots if possible with Luci Davidson, Steven St. Martin, Lester Blizzard, Donna Goode, Kevin Petroff, Warren Diepraam, John Jocher, Mark Donnelly and other experienced prosecutors who would consider coming back to the office.
5. Re-evaluate all felony district court chiefs and be prepared to demote or fire those who would not have benn promoted but for the massive amount of people who were fired or quit.
I am interested to hear what moves others think should be made? I can't wait to be proud to say that I am a Harris County Prosecutor again.
We are hoping the same.
Excellent Politian vs. Excellent Prosecutor.
Hmmmm …√π^×π√÷|^°°\√ =
@anon 941pm; some disagreements with your proposal First; why oh why would you keep Leitner? I can't think of many of the new recruits that have disappointed the masses more.
Second; other than coming in with Lykos gang, what has Greenwood done other than do his job? Third, the divert prosecutors must go? Really? How about their positions are absorbed back into the office? I don't believe a baby misdemeanor three had much policy say in the divert program. I think they showed up to do a job and they should not be penalized for their assignment in the office. That certainly wasn't their choice. Fourth, I highly doubt that prior prosecutors that left for greener pastures, especially the ones that went to the Feds, Mont. Co, and Galv. Co. are coming back. They are each doing well.
It will be interesting to see if any of the former Ada's turned defense attys will return. I bet all of them don't.
One thing is for sure, officers need to show up to vote, and help tell their friends that Anderson is the one for the job.
Well I will support pat lykos we have to look on records even as a judge she slams mike anderson. Just the way she has higher standards at the office im proud to see that.
@Jose; higher standards at the office? Wow, then let's completely ignore the grand jury investigation and all the ethical missteps that she has made and ordered her staff to make. The bullying, etc. yup, that's higher standards. But your ignorance of the truth of the matter and Lykos' true colors are telling. Keep burying your head in the sand and we'll see where that gets you.
No way Jose!
Mr. Jose Cuervo,
I wonder if you were laughing hysterically when you typed your comment? Drunk maybe?
Although its important for you to be heard, if you are going to comment in the future please, with a lime on top, provide some actual facts of Pat higher standards as you see them. This will allow the people who actually know and live it, to respond in kind.
Merry Christmas DAO. Santa will bringing us a new DA. We just can't open our present until March.
Retired Harris County Prosecutor here:
Regarding all the well intentioned Office Chart Reorganizational suggestions:
Ok to be giddy or excited. Like you my $- heart -and vote will be for Mike.
But, let's quit talking about punishment till there's a guilty verdict.
Old Dog
Looks like Loyd Oliver will win and be elected DA.The republicans at the top are ruining the chances for any republican here to win.Was Eversole a republican?
Here's Mike on KTRH
Totally agree with Old Dog. Surely the political appointees should worry and the PR folks should be ready to go back to real work. But it's time to go to work to make Mike's campaign a success rather than just a wish. Spread the word to friends, family, and coworkers. Volunteer to help and open the wallet, and use the social networks and email. This aint gonna be easy. I'll be back in town in March to help and walk the old neighborhood and see old friends; something I regret not doing when Kelly was running.
Maybe the next DA who does the right thing in the HCDOA and gets called in to be bullied by Patty for doing it should just tell her to go ahead and fire them, they'll be happy to appear with Mike in front of the media to give a prime example of how she operates : )
I have to look at both sides I will say Mrs.Lykos does a better job for what she was elected to do. Maybe Mr. Anderson should apply for a job and get some more experience for the job he wishes to have.
An endorsement by a dead porn star is unimpressive.
I'm happy to see that Mike is running for DA in Harris County. I know what Mike can do as a prosecutor. I was Chief Prosecutor in the 248th District Court when he was promoted to No. 2 prosecutor in January of 1985, where he spent 19 months in my court in that position. He was a natural with juries who loved him (has some great cracker barrel wisdom sayings as well). Mike has a great sense of humor but also a sense of what is right. I do have one suggestion....grow the moustache back!
I see that Pat has listed Jared as one of her principal backers on her propaganda which is viewable on BigJolly. Since when does a party chair endorse in a primary? Why is everyone who works with Jared ie Talton and Sumerlin jumping ship? Why is Jared now reduced to ad litem work. All interesting. We hear he will be Talton's first assistant. Enough to make you vote for Ryan.
anon 6:32
Seriously? The 16 years he was a prosecutor in Harris County isn't enough experience for you, yet, Lykos, WHO'S NEVER TRIED A CASE is okay? Lordy, I hope your a Democrat.
Anon 6:59 that's just dumb.
@Omar: are you Jose in disguise? Y'all both are in the same delusional world. I am thankful I don't know what world you are talking about. What's been sort of entertaining about the posts is that those that post for Lykos have no substance to their posts and no facts to back up their assertions. They are simply launching baseless personal attacks. It is also telling is that none of Mike Anderson's supporters are doing the same.
Are we going to have a Herman Cain with this Mike Anderson?
Anon 10:36 a.m.,
No Herman Cain. You won't have a Chuck Rosenthal situation either.
Anon 10:36 you are the one with the Herman Cain problem. How did that whole paterinity case thing turn out for you? Not so well huh?
I find Mr. Palmer's attempts to impersonate people both ironic and humorous. He seems to think people are fooled by his attempts to insure his financial future. But putting that aside, the most important thing we as readers of this blog can do is to promote Mike Anderson. Mike is capable and has real integrity, both lacking in Lykos and her minions.
Just a side note, I worked the polls the last election and found the endorsement of Johnny Holmes was of great value. I was even surprised by the number of democrats who placed so much value in the Holmes endorsement.
Too bad. I was going to vote for the guy until this. I don't want a return the Holmes/Rosenthal era.
The problem with "judge" Lykos is that all of the people who know that she is incompetent for the job are in the system and can't talk freely. She has not delivered on most (any) of her campaign promises, and statewide, prosecutors are having difficulty finding jobs because of the glut of very qualified prosecutors on the market from Harris County. Judge Anderson knows what he is doing and will do it very well. It is time to end this fiasco. And I am so confused that people continuously say that the Defense Bar will be in favor of Lykos. OK, if that is true, why would the Law and Order party of the Republicans back the Defense Bar's (all big Democrats!) choice?? Hmmmm.
Rage, if you're so happy with Lykos why don't you come to work for her. Unless you already do...
I don't think Joe the Investigator can go back to Precinct One!
We hear Mike has raised $160k in less than a week.
Hey Jim maybe you can tell Pat she won't have to worry about being forgiving this time.
As an employee of the DAO for over eight years now, I do enjoy the fact that Jimbo will be required to liquidate his retirement account with the county. No matching payments or retirement funds to look forward to. Back to self-employment taxes and appointed cases. Merry F'ing Xmas.
Poor. Poor. Jimbo. Remember all those experienced prosecutor you and Roger told their services were no longer needed back in '08? Well, when Pat loses, you will have a taste of how it feels.
Little advice Jimbo. When Pat loses the primary, I suggest you take a week off. Then be a real leader of men and women. Resign. That will give the lead to Roger, Joni, Steve, John, Joe, and the rest of the team that couldn't shoot straight.
Merry F'ing Xmas.
Johnny Holmes endorsed Chuck "Screwing my secretary" Rosenthal.... His endorsement is garbage. If I were Mike Anderson, I wouldn't want it.
Log on to the November, 2010 HPOU Badge and Gun archived issue, and read the nightmare that Officer S.A. Roccaforte experienced at the hands Lykos and her puppets. Their lack of confidence in the current D.A. is about a lot more than trace cocaine cases.
'Twas the night before Christmas,
When all through the CJC
Not a troll was stirring,
Not even Pat Lykos;
ADA gonads were hung
By the throne of Lykos with care,
In hopes that Judge Mike
Soon would be there;
The prosecutors were nestled
All snug in their beds,
While visions of no Lykos
Danced in their heads;
And witch Patsy on her broom,
and Jimmy in her crap,
Had just settled down
For long cold ass nap,
When on the the 6th floor
there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my desk
to see what was the matter.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniture Escalade,
and 8 tiny Jimmies.
With a dirty old driver
as she hacked and spat,
I knew in a moment
it must be Judge Pat.
Now, Jimmy! Now, Roger!
now Hannah and Joni!
On, Rachael! On, Stevie!
On Johnny and Joe!
To the top of the potty,
to the top of the stall,
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!
Holmes also picked Rosenthal so I have no faith in Holmes' ability to pick anyone.
Anon 8:15 a.m.,
You need to put things in context. Holmes was not a particular fan of Rosenthal's and had planned to not endorse ANYONE in the 2000 election. The only reason he got involved was because Lykos decided to run in 2000 and he knew how terrible she would be for the Office.
I'm not defending anything Rosenthal did, but Lykos has been ten times worse for that Office than he ever was.
This may be slightly off topic but since there is a lot of Lykos bashing going on here I do want to make one comment. I just went back and read your diversity post from 2009. One may allege that the Lykos Office is discriminatory but I do not agree. Maybe a lack of applicants is the issue. In fact, Lykos attempted to diversify the office in regards to ethnicity/race and that cannot be denied. In addition, if one happened to be a homosexual under the Rosenthal era, it was surely a hinderance to promotions or just having a job where one wanted to work and believed in what one was doing. That problem no longer exists under the Lykos regime. She may not be perfect but she is bringing human resource practices into the 21st century IMHO.
Anonymous sounds like a disgruntled fired prosecutor who can't make it as a lawyer. We don't want anyone back from the Holmes Rosthenthal days.
well harris county is crooked. it always has been, always will be a good ole boy system, where do you think the song midnight special came from. there are many people in harris county jail that shouldnt be there. and many that need to be there. i love pats slogan. we always do whats right. what a joke.
Just hope Judge Anderson has more integrity than to return KS to the staff. All for justice in a fiar legal manner.
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