Sunday, January 6, 2013

Anita Magidson

I was sad to hear yesterday of the passing of Anita Magidson, wife of U.S. Attorney and former-District Attorney Ken Magidson.  My sympathy and condolences go out to Ken and their family.

I did not know Mrs. Magidson, but had heard many wonderful things about her from people who worked with her at the Office.  Whenever someone talked about Ken's time as a prosecutor at the Office, they always talked about how he fell head over heels in love with his wife there.  I remember when Ken took over as the interim District Attorney in 2008.  Once of the first things he pointed out about why he loved the Office so much was because he had met his wife there.

Brian Rogers wrote a very nice article about Anita Magidson that you can read by clicking here.

Please keep her family in your prayers.


Tom Moran said...

Anita was a sweetheart. I met her when she was Carol Vance's administrative assistant and was present at their wedding in Judge Sam Robertson's court. I've only seen her a couple of times in the last few years and never knew she was sick.
Kenny and Anita are both wonderful people and I'm so sorry for him. He truly was in love with her.

Anonymous said...

Ken my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family....God bless.

Donna Hawkins said...

When Ken served as the Harris County District Attorney, I worked closely with him and had the priviledge of meeting Anita. No matter where he was or whatever he was in the middle of, Ken always took calls from his lovely wife. One thing I truly admired about Ken was the way he prioritized his life. Family always came first.

Anita was a spirited, beautiful person who died far too young. Ken, our hearts go out to you for your loss. God bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Sid Crowley said...
I remember Anita when she was Jim Larkin's secretary, always a sunny disposition. My condolences to Ken and family. The tough thing about getting old is seeing so many of our comrades and colleagues passing on.

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