Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Memorial Plaque Ceremony

Tomorrow (Thursday, Ferbruary 7th) there will be a ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on the 7th Floor Trial Ready Room of the CJC honoring those members of the Harris County Defense Bar who have passed away over the past year.

Those who will be remembered with a ceremonial plaque are Michael Barrow, Rayford Carter, Suzie Chambliss,  Fred Heacock, Claude Hippard, Bennie House, Travis Johnson, Jim Lindeman, Michael Mapes, Ray Montgomery, John V. O'Sullivan, Charlie Portz,  Thomas Preston and Jim Steele.

HCCLA President Chris Tritico and President-Elect Todd Dupont will be speaking, along Robb Fickman and the Honorable Jay Karahan.  Refreshments will be served afterwards and all are invited to attend.


Anonymous said...

there was a great lawyer named Roy Beene who had many high profile cases.Is he retired or passed on?

Anonymous said...

There's a Chronicle obit from 1999 on a Roy Beene

Anonymous said...

A court reporter saisd she believes she saw Roy Beene in a small town in Mexico when she was on the train that goes through Mexico.The man disappered when she saw him. There was rumor that Mr Beene had faked his death because of some problems he was having at the time. He supposedly died in Acapulco after falling down some stairs.The body was immediately cremated and no investigation done by Mexican police.

Anonymous said...

Why couldn't that have happened to Pat Lykos?

Anonymous said...

Lykos is gone.Why not move on to the current problems at 1201?

Anonymous said...

Most of the current problems at 1201 are a direct result of Lykos' mismanagement of the budget and he abhorrent hiring practices. We are all trying to move on even though her problems are like a ship trying to sail with the anchor still stuck in the muck.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:38p

Just more excuses for current bad leadership and decisions. I cant wait for 2016.

Murray Newman said...

Anon 5:48,
Don't be an idiot. Unless you just can't help yourself . . .

Anonymous said...

C'mon Mr. Newman,

5:48 was just making light of how you all acted when Lykos took office. I find it interesting you personally would call someone out when your past actions were the same.

you have become nothing but a revolving door of thoughts. Wake the F up and take life long stand on matters. Quit being a hormonal politician who changes direction with the breeze.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:48 is telling it like it is. It is not any better based on the way decisions have been made.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:48, 6:32 and 7:14 are all full of shit. Things are so much better now than they have been in four years, despite Lykos and her crew of doo doo who could fuck up a wet dream. I assume that all of the above listed posters are the same person. If not, maybe you can reach out to each other and have a circle jerk.

Anonymous said...

Can someone advise how and when John V. O'Sullivan died? Interesting story about Roy Beene...I never saw him try anything.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:18. The complainers need to step up and be specific about what they feel Mike has done that makes him equal to Lykos . I'm guessing the complainer is someone who got fired, demoted, or wasn't promoted.

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