Monday, October 14, 2019

Voice-To-Texting With Clients

Thanks to the miracle of Siri and voice-to-text technology, a road trip to Brazos County can usually provide an opportunity to catch up on returning some phone calls and text messages.

Unless your voice-to-text technology is as bad as the one I use.

ME:  I have already talked to my investigator about your case.  He will be calling you shortly.  His name is Roy Underwood.

SIRI:  Texting [CLIENT]: "I have already talked to my investigator about your cats.  He will be calling you shorty.  His name is Roy Underwood." Ready to send?

ME:  No!  Change message.

SIRI:  Okay.

ME:  I have already talked to my investigator about your CASE.  He will be calling you SOON.  His name is Roy Underwood.

SIRI:  Texting [CLIENT]: "I have already talked to my investigator about your case.  He will be calling you too.  His name is boy underwear."  Ready to send?

ME:  No!  Change message.

SIRI:  Okay.

ME:  "I have already talked to my investigator about your CASE.  He will be calling you SOON.  His name is ROY UnderWOOD."

SIRI:  Texting [CLIENT]: "I have all ready talk to my investigator about your case. He will be calling you soon.  His name is Roy Underwood."  Ready to send?

ME:  Close enough.


Anonymous said...

I hear Carvana Cloud is running for Harris County D.A.

I’ve also heard Mary NaN Huffman has filed her CTA for Harris County D.A.

Anonymous said...

Carvana Cloud DA 2020?

Lori DeAngelo DA 2020?

Mary Nan Huffman DA 2020?

The 2024 Election

Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...