Former Bureau Chief Carvana Cloud has announced her official candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the Office of the Harris County District Attorney in 2020.
Her official website is
As I mentioned in a post last week, I think the world of Carvana as a person with honesty, integrity, intelligence, and kindness. I was a fan of hers when she was a brand new prosecutor, and I have always remained a fan and a friend of hers.
When Kim Ogg hired Carvana to be in her Administration, I thought it was the best move Ogg could have possibly make, and I was glad to see Carvana promoted to Bureau Chief earlier this year. As you probably know already, Carvana announced her immediate resignation the week before last.
Over the weekend, her website went up, confirming her candidacy for District Attorney.
Carvana is a tremendous candidate and a force to reckoned with. She has a large amount of support from within the Harris County District Attorney's Office, which will be interesting. Given Kim Ogg's level of paranoia and low threshold for accusing people of disloyalty, that's going to be a really horrible challenging place to work until the primary on March 3, 2020.
Somewhere, somehow this all seems familiar. I think I heard a story once about a District Attorney who was wildly unpopular with her prosecutors. She treated them with suspicion and paranoia and ruled with an iron fist. And then a charismatic and better-qualified candidate ran against that District Attorney and beat her in her own primary.
Seems like there is a moral to this story somewhere. Something about people who don't learn the lessons of history being doomed to repeat it?
Interesting times indeed
Carvana might be well loved, but I have heard more than a few prosecutors credit her with the uptick in terrible assault family member cases that are being accepted at Intake and taken to trial. What good is charisma if your less than stellar judgment results in bad office policy making?
Anon 9:05 p.m.,
Blaming Carvana for "uptick in terrible assault family member cases" is like blaming the rooster for the sun coming up in the morning. Give me a break. The Family Criminal Law Division was created years before I even started at the office for the specific purpose of trying terrible assault family member cases.
If they weren't shitty, they wouldn't be in FCLD. You know that.
The only person who can make office policy is the DA. Those horrible assault cases are a direct result of having inexperienced 3Ls whom never tried a case, accepting assault charges. That was started by Kim. The two people directly responsible for intake are Kim and Leitner, period.
Anon 9:05, or shall I say Joanne. I've heard more than a few protectors credit you with the uptick in trial not guilty verdicts from your time at the helm of Trial Bureau. GTFOH
Is Carvana taking any Soros money?
@ Anon 6:26
The real question is are you donating? Otherwise why are you concerned with who else is donating. Vote for the candidate that you believe is the best to do the job. If you knew Carvana, that wouldn't be a concern one way or another because you would know she stands on principles and not politics. We all know what politics have done for this county as a whole. If Carvana wanted to play politics, she would still be in a safe place as Bureau Chief and watching the dumpster fire continue.
Everybody should be donating. She’s truly the BEST candidate for the position. Not just the best option out of the 7, but the only right person for the position. People should be excited that there’s hope to get rid of Ogg. One thing history has proven, the judicial system doesn’t do work when the DAs office is under a dictatorship. See Lykos and Ogg as examples. Both sides (republicans and dems) really should unite for Carvana, instead of worrying about which person donated. Go check her record if you are unsure of who she is and what she stands for.
"Is Carvana taking any Soros money?"
Sounds like we have a jealous republican on the site.
She has my support, and I don't even live in Houston anymore. We have a democratic version of Trump running the office now, "You're fired." I had high hopes for Ogg. I even supervised her for a while when she was a prosecutor, but sadly she has changed.
Good evening. I have a quick question that I hope you can help me with. Do you know who the new Harris County Family Criminal Law Division Chief is?
Good evening. I have a quick question that I hope you can help me with. Do you know who the new Harris County Family Criminal Law Division Chief is?
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