
Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Well, one has to give credit to our gal, Patsy -- she is consistent.

When she doesn't like her prosecutors, she makes no bones about throwing them under the bus or distancing herself from them in both the good times and the bad. We all know what she did to Rifi Newaz and Mark Donnelly last week, and knowing the shameless politico like we do, it wasn't really all that surprising.

But today was a day that was actually a day that would shine a positive light on the Office, as Andrew R. Bland, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Houston Office, came to the CJC to personally give awards to Assistant District Attorney's Lance Long and Stephen St. Martin on behalf of the FBI.

Lance and Stephen were both Chief Prosecutors in the Special Crimes' Major Offenders Unit for years until Lykos promptly kicked them out of the Division due to her political cronyism. These guys, along with others, worked day and night, drafting search warrants, arrest warrants, and providing advice to any law enforcement agency dealing with major cases. If you want an analogy, the Special Crimes' Major Offenders Unit is like the Navy Seals of the District Attorney's Office, and prior to their transfers, Lance and Stephen were two of the Division's All-Stars.

In recognition of their work, Special Agent Bland had organized a ceremony on the 6th Floor of the CJC in an effort to show the FBI's gratitude. Stephen was recognized for his work on his several cases, including the Randy Sylvester case (NOTE: Stephen was actually present at the crime scene when police recovered the bodies of Sylvester's children. That is dedication that will break your heart.). Lance was recognized for his work on the Roderick Fountain case, helping investigators trying to recover the body of 3-year-old Kendrick Jackson.

Apparently, getting the District Attorney's Office to participate in honoring two of it's own was a little more difficult than one would have thought, as Pat Lykos and Jim Leitner had little to no interest in actually participating in the plans. Ultimately, however, a ceremony was ultimately planned and it occurred today on the 6th Floor of the CJC at 1 p.m.

Special Agent Bland gave a speech, giving heartfelt thanks to Stephen and Lance, and at some point, Pat Lykos was called upon to say something kind about her prosecutors.

Now here is where I would have guessed wrong -- I would have assumed that Pat would have jumped to the front of the crowd and loudly proclaimed credit for all Stephen and Lance had done.

Instead, she refused to speak or acknowledge their accomplishments.

The situation went from bad to worse, as Lykos was then asked to stand up for pictures with her two prosecutors, which would be a no-brainer for any politico like Lykos.

She refused to have her picture taken with them.

It is worth pointing out that the way I learned of this latest shameful behavior by Pat Lykos was a phone call from a person who does not work for Pat Lykos, but was so horribly offended by her behavior that they felt compelled to call and let me know about it.

How much more is Harris County going to have to take from Pat and her Gang?

On a happier note, congratulations to Stephen and Lance! What an incredible award! Having worked with both of you guys on different occasions, I couldn't be happier for you both!


Life after Esq. said...

That's nuts!

Rage Judicata said...

Good grief.
Surely the Chron would report on this.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Lykos, you shameless, worthless, lying, budget-obliterating stupid fucking bitch. Why don't you just quit already and let someone who knows what they're doing step in and do your job. You're NEVER going to get it and everyone HATES your troll ass. And take that fucking spineless dickhead Leitner with you.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone have Patsy or Wee Man Jimbo's email address so we can write to them directly?

jigmeister said...

Why to go Patty. Insult two of the best and brightest and throw in the fibbies too. I checked with my sources because I was sure there was more to this story, but no one can figure it out. I just keep shaking my head in bewilderment.

Anonymous said...

Why would she not take a photo with them? That doesn't make sense. Can you explain her motivations for such behavior. What law enforcement Leintner? Where was he?

Unknown said...

Wow. Do you have independent verification of this?

Anonymous said...

WTF????? That's about all I can say. I'm just glad that I no longer work at that office. It sucked the life right out of me, and it looks like nothing has changed...only gotten far worse than I could have imagined. GOD BLESS THE ADAS WHO CONTINUE TO WORK THERE. They are trying to do the right thing, in spite of their boss.

Mark Bennett said...

April Fools' Day jokes have always been popular in the Lykos household.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Pat would not speak or have her picture taken with them. Surely they were following the prosecutor's duty, make the DA look good. Oh, I forgot, they did that work before Pat became DA. She moved them out of special crimes. I know they did not do that work for the publicity or recognition, they did that work because they were seeking justice. I just hope Pat does not punish them for being good prosecutors.

Anonymous said...

I guess they wouldn't swear to being citizens before accepting the award.

Way to go, Press Conference Pat! Two cheers for Judge Soundbite!

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable!!! WTF?? What a fucking bitch!!

Anonymous said...

Clearly this must be an April Fools joke, right? Lykos really didn't act that way, right?

Anonymous said...

It's not a joke. I was there.

Operation Valkyrie said...

Murray reported it accurately. She refused to say anything, and refused to take a photo. Not even a simple "thank you" to these two fine men who have made many sacrifices for a safer county. They are both true prosecutors, and excellent human beings. Lykos, not so much...

Anonymous said...

Wow. Rage and I are equally outraged over the same thing. Hell has frozen over!

Anonymous said...

The List:

1. Jim's Whale Plan
2. Prosecutors called incompetent
3. Retraction of incompentence label
4. Illegal immigrant plans
5. Ignoring fine work by two fine men

And this is in less than one week. What will the next week hold on PatTV?

Anonymous said...

The List:

1. Jim's Whale Plan
2. Prosecutors called incompetent
3. Retraction of incompentence label
4. Illegal immigrant plans
5. Ignoring fine work by two fine men

And this is in less than one week. What will the next week hold on PatTV?

Texas Ghostrider said...

I would like to congradulate the two excellent prosecutors for their dedication and hard work. As far as the other, it is a shame that the boss can't support her troops. As a PO, the biggest awards are from co-workers and the public. Was this a public event? Was it covered by the media?

Anonymous said...

St. Martin would make a good next DA.

Anonymous said...

SHAMEFUL is wasting taxpayer money sending some over paid FBI guy to the courthouse to give attaboys to people who are getting paid to do a job. The taxpayer watchdog group is the agency who needs to be notified. How much time was spent doing this when they could be finding more crooks?

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:00 AM,
Whew....you sure don't want to see pandering Pat's travel itinerary then. You'd blow a gasket seeing where she and her county ride driver tool around while on the clock.
Besides why congratulate someone for doing their job in an extraordinary way to build up morale and self esteem when you can just as easily tear them down and defame their reputations in a public forum, also at taxpayers expense.
You must be a great motivational leader in your field.

Anonymous said...

She is a real bitch!!! They need to get her out of there!

Rage Judicata said...

Wow 5:00, it's not often that someone says that people who do a good job shouldn't be recognized for it. Especially from a pro-law enforcement point of view.

Anonymous said...

To 5:00am--

Wow-what kind of a sad, pathetic, negative loser would think it was a waste of taxpayer money to recognize outstanding work by public employees? I guess under the theory that public employees shouldn't be recognized for the work they're expected to do anyway, we should just toss the
Purple Heart too and like awards.

I feel so sorry for someone so negative and pissy. You must have a very sad and lonely little life to begrudge fine work being recognized. These people, both federal and state/county/city employees work to keep your community a better and safer place. And they are usually overworked, underpaid, and as exemplified by people like you, underappreciated. Good thing they don't have to like the people they protect and serve--you'd be SOL.

Ron in Houston said...

Where's Murray?

He's greatly entitled to a big, "I told you so."

Anonymous said...

Anon: 5:00. Jim is that you?

Anonymous said...


"The List:

1. Jim's Whale Plan
2. Prosecutors called incompetent
3. Retraction of incompentence label
4. Illegal immigrant plans
5. Ignoring fine work by two fine men

And this is in less than one week. What will the next week hold on PatTV?"

Let's not forget bringing in an incompetent speaker to teach the entire office about Voir Dire. Oh yeah, to also inform them that it is their job to make the DA "look good."

Anonymous said...

The good news is the more we let our bosses think on their own, the faster they lead to destruction. We should not give input, let them make boneheaded decisions and at some point it will kill them. It is like letting your best employ your daughter as an intern... no way anything bad comes from that...

This crew proves that all we need to do is allow them the rope.

Anonymous said...

I sit here reading this with my cheeks flaming red with the rage and embarassment I feel. To avoid this, she just should have stayed in her office or suddenly had a schedule conflict and let the ADAs have their moment with the FBI. She was mean, spiteful, and a bitch on the bench, I don't know why anyone would expect less now.

Jason said...

I'm guessing she will have a hard time getting re-elected. That is if Harris County voters have any sense.

Anonymous said...

I am still predicting she'll be a one term DA.

Start feeding some of these stories to Brian Rogers from the Chronicle.....he'll pick up on what's happening soon enough.

Anonymous said...

The majority of Republican runoff voters have no sense, therein lies the problem...

Anon 2:43,
Brian Rogers is afraid of Lykos.

On a brighter note, whoever gets crucified next week at least will be in good company.

Anonymous said...

Who can explain Rage's lucid interval? His recent posts are so normal? Maybe it's an Easter miracle?

Anonymous said...

Why did the FBI SAC come over to the DA office in the first place?

Why didn't he invite them over to the FBI and present it in front of his people?

Just goes to show that the Bureau hasn't a clue as to what really goes on in this town. With all the problems at the County, you would think that the Feds would be all up in our bidness.

Rage Judicata said...


I'm more than capable of seeing both sides of an issue. If I'm 'lucid' only when I agree with you, maybe you're the crazy one when I don't.

Rage Judicata said...

9:56, name one federal offense being committed in the HCDAO that the feds should be investigating.

Quit being a cry baby. Just because you don't like what's happening doesn't mean it's illegal.

Grow up.

Anonymous said...

If the DA isn't looking into (ie investigating) public corruption going on in their local county, then the Feds should step in with the catch-all federal jurisdiction called....wait for it...........
Public Corruption!
A far as what federal charge is being committed in the HCDA, well
what do you call looking the other way?
PS- What ever happened to the Eversole investigation? The FBI was investigating....never heard how far the HCDAO got into the case.

Rage Judicata said...

I see that federalism is lost on you.

How about HPD, or HCSO, or the AG, or Rangers?

No need to go to the feds, even assuming what you say is correct.

And I'm sure you wanted the feds to go after Holmes or Rosenthal when they turned the other cheek, right?

Anonymous said...

If the DA isn't looking into (ie investigating) public corruption going on in their local county, then the Feds should step in with the catch-all federal jurisdiction called....wait for it...........
Public Corruption!
A far as what federal charge is being committed in the HCDA, well
what do you call looking the other way?
PS- What ever happened to the Eversole investigation? The FBI was investigating....never heard how far the HCDAO got into the case.

April 4, 2009 10:37 PM

If you have some evidence of public corruption, why haven't you taken it to the FBI? Have you taken it to the PI ADA's at the HCDA office? Who is looking "the other way" and about what? Making vague allegations of corruption on a blog is hardly going to get the job done. If you really know something, grow a pair and do something about it instead of whining on a blog. Really, can you get any more juvenile and pissy?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:54,
Now that the Chronicle has their sources protected they can stop pandering to Lykos.
A Pulitzer is in the offing for revealing the widespread corruption at the HCDAO while shielding the ADA whistle blowers.
What an opportunity for Brian Rogers and the ADAs to man up.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the last throwdown DA "look the other way" and wash his hands of DA Chuckie?
Not to worry, after the Bureau has now been dis'd, things will be looked at much closer in Harris County, now.

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Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...