Okay Boys and Girls,
I'm on vacation this week, so I don't feel like blogging on a topic right now. So you all can talk about whatever you want in the comments section (in an idea I totally am borrowing from Lone Star Times).
Have fun and keep it semi-clean.
The Blog Czar (inside joke)
An insider's view of what is really happening in the Harris County Criminal Courts
Sunday, November 1, 2009
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The 2024 Election
Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...
I'm sure by now that all of you have heard that Kelly Siegler resigned, effective immediately from the Harris County District Attorney...
One of the types of cases that bothered me tremendously when I was a Prosecutor and continues to bother me as a Defense Attorney is what are...
In addition to the extremely heated battle for Harris County District Attorney, there are only a handful of other races within the Criminal ...
This is kinda like Grits does, except hopefully your commentators have a bit less to say on the anarchy front.
If anybody deserves a good vacation, you do, bro.
Mandatory Brady meeting..... Can we get some details?
Have fun Murray and don't worry, we could only hope but Lykos won't change while you are gone.
Ethics takes a sabbatikos!
Ethics violation #1:
A sitting DA openly parades and supports one of her own ADAs over another ADA for a judicial bench that other ADAs will ultimately present cases in front of.
Ethics viloation #2:
The DA's selection is noteworthy for being obviously markedly less qualified than the other ADA running; but political moles must be rewarded and as such "palms" are being greased for the mole ADA who was/is Lykos' snitch.
Ethics violation #3:
Campaigning on the company clock is a no no for any ADA.
Editor's note:
Perhaps this judicial race is a referendum of sorts. Support of the "Lykos Mole" is a de facto support of her administration.
Rachel Palmer is running for judge????
Are you f*cking kidding me?
How is a DA supporting a judge any different than a defense attorney supporting one? I plan on supporting several contenders.(Not financially of course, so don't ask. My kids need the money.)
You are obviously not the expert on support issues, enough said.
If there are multiple ADAs contending for the same judicial bench the DA should:
a. remain neutral
b. support the most qualified candidate (especially when there is a gross disparity of qualifications)
c. say to heck with office camaraderie and integrity while reinforcing the quid pro quo snitch model of justice.
d. get advise from the Defense Bar
At least Lykos is not being a hypocrite in her all out support of Rachael Palmer.
Judge Pat is not much of a proponent of relevant qualifications for the job or office sought--never has been; so give the old hack credit for consistency, if nothing else.
Kiatta, I'm sure your support just means the world to the candidates. Please.
anon 3:10....just ask Leitner
Onken ........1
yeah anon 615,
if you're a prosecutor in harris county and intend to hide exculpatory evidence; make sure your campaign donations to & public support of Judge Pat are up to date and you're good to Brady.
What's the plea deal on the table for poor Susan Wright? I heard Rachel Palmer was going to try that one on punishment and Little Jimmy was going to sit 2nd chair.
Who is Mark Bennett supporting for CCCL #13? I know he's a yellow dog but if he had to pick amongst the Republican candidates who would he choose and why?
Since Lykos lieutenant Sweetseptember idolizes Bennett and his political pontifications I was curious as to what Mark's opinion on Rachael Palmer's highly questionable qualifications for District Judge might be?
Maybe if Mark exposes the idiocy of RP's candidacy Lykos may take a 2nd look. Remember an ADAs role is to make Lykos look good not more of a fool.
There are some great candidates running this time:
1. Cary Hart
2. Paula Goodhart
3. Denise Bradley
4. Mark Brown
5. Fred Wilson for the 313th.
They are all very qualified and it doesn't hurt that they are all friends who worked for me at one time or another. If you don't believe they are qualified, go read the evaluations I wrote. Of course many, including Burt said I graded far to easy. Wish I was around to vote for them.
Yankees Rule,
I don't think Kiata thought it through either. She must be another blue hair misled by her fellow blue hair.
Palmer does not deserve the negativity she is getting on this blog. She felt that Pat was the best candidate and the voters agreed.
My guess is that Pat knows that she was lucky to be supported by a prosecutor that is as well liked and respected as Rachel Palmer. Furthermore, the citizens deserve someone with energy and dedication as Rachel.
You all forget that Pat beat the democrats in one of the most unique elections that this county has seen in years. She effectively saved the Republicans from Obama. If she supports Rachel Palmer then I support Rachel Palmer.
Jig, I agree with 1-4. But my vote for the 313th Juvenile bench is for Glenn Devlin. He is the most qualified of the bunch running for that bench. He knows the ins and outs of juvenile and CPS laws. He has been practicing daily in the juvenile/CPS courts for years. And he is fair and a good man. I'm not saying anything against Fred, but Glenn is far more qualified to hold that bench. Just my 2 cents.
Palmer is neither well-liked or respected!
If they all worked for you,then you are very naive if you think all have good ethics. Several would be worse than the worst of the worst there now. Some would not know an ethical rule if they saw it. More injustices on the way with some of this group
Anon 8:36 p.m.,
Okay, I was not planning on weighing in on this (or any judicial race) until the field of candidates was finalized, but damn that's a silly ass comment you are making.
I mean, seriously, that post was so stupid that I'm taking leave from my vacation to address it.
Personally, I've got no problem with Rachel. She's always been nice to me (at least in person). However, Denise Bradley is a Division Chief and one of (if not THE) best trial lawyers that Office still has left. She's tried cases that Rachel isn't even eligible to try yet in her career.
But in your opinion, you would rather exercise the "Sheeple" route and follow whatever Pat Lykos is endorsing?
Give me a freaking break and grow a brain of your own. "She effectively saved the Republicans from Obama"?! Are you joking? If you are equating a Democratic sweep with Obama "winning", then I think the Republicans pretty much got decimated in this contest. Lykos only one because of who her opponent was. A first year attorney could have beaten Lykos if they ran without the baggage that Bradford had.
But, if that's going to be how you decide who you are going to vote for, more power to you, pal.
You are just redefining the "uninformed electorate".
Nice job.
Anon 8:36
Can you list the accomplishments and experience of Palmer? I can list both for Bradley and my list will be much much longer.
Don't know Glen, but I remember Fred as a good trial lawyer with a great personality.
By the way, the Phillies are coming back.
Anon 9:39
That's a back door slap at my integrity, but I doubt you know me or any other name on the list, so your opinion counts very little. I doubt you will find anyone who knows them, that would complain about the ethics or public service of any of these people.
Murray, we at the basement breakfeast club hope you have a great vacation. Take a break, walk, have fun,and when you come back all rested can I put a re-elect Pat Lykos bumper sticker on your car?
Rachel Palmer has made many enemies at the office in her short career as an ADA. The first time many down at CJC saw her smile, they learned she had decided to run for Judge. In my opinion, she is the type who would use the bench as an opportunity to settle her many peronal scores.
You should, at a minimum as a Judge, like and understand people. Misdemeanor Judges are in a position to turn a young offenders life around. Rachel strikes me as a spoiled girl with little life experience marrying into money. She has 6 years experience as a prosector only and is considered unpleasant by many da's and defense attorneys alike.
Rachel Palmer= None of the experience we need
Murray the czar remark was in order to make a point. I am a huge fan but would prefer you post all the comments without regards to your personal feelings. You still have the option of pointing out where you thing the poster may be mistaken. Otherwise we are left wondering what other opinions we are being shielded from.
Anon 7:10 a.m.,
Your point was well taken and I wasn't bothered by it.
However, there are some posts that I do that I don't want to degenerate into off topic things. Especially if they are going-away type things.
That being said, I post virtually everything people put in here with a few exceptions:
1. If it is so freaking vulgar that offends even ME, I won't put it in.
2. If it is something that could potentially be libelous if not true, I won't post it.
3. If it gives private and embarrassing information that is not relevant to the criminal justice topics.
4. If it advertises Chinese slot machines.
I agree with you 100% on Palmer's poor credentials and inappropriate candidacy.
I also agree with 8:31's comment that the Palmer issue is a referendum on Lykos.
If the mere support of Lykos is sufficient to push an obviously unqualified person such as Rachel Palmer to win the Republican primary over a highly qualified candidate such as Denise Bradley that will be eerily reminiscent of the 2008 fiasco.
Remember it was assumptions and voter apathy that brought us the incompetence of Judge Pat so we all need to get out and vote to water down the troll factor.
The Basement Breakfeast Club,
The thought of a "Re-Elect Lykos" bumper sticker made me lose my breakfast.
Isn't it bad enough that the hack was elected in the first place? Good God!
I suppose you'll be passing out Rachel "I'm Pat's Pal" Palmer bumper stickers next?
Any truth to the rumor that the Troll Union is supporting Rachel Palmer in her bid for judge?
Judge Pat and Judge Rachel: 2 Bats 1 Cave.
anon 8:36,
Obviously the crackheads are now on board to support Ms. Palmer.
So as of today Ms. Palmer can count on the following groups for support:
1. the Lykos Blue Hairs
2. the Harris County Troll Union
3. the Harris County Crackhead Union
4. David Kiatta
5. Yes boy Little Jimmy Leitner
6. the unemployed faction of the Junior League
Are we missing anyone?
What's wrong with Chinese slot machines?
Anon 11:37,
7. Rage
8. RP's paper baggers (they could put her on top, so to speak...)
9. ????
Lots of bitterness here. Guess working as a defense lawyer isn't working out for some of you.
Sorry to burst your bubble 2:11,
but FELA is damn lucrative and just a tad different than defending the turds you guys now have carte blanche to Brady. Just sayin'.
Anon 11:37
I've tried hard and I can only think of one prosecutor that likes Rachel and I've tried really hard. On the other hand I can think of a ton of prosecutors who despise her. As for who the rank and file will support, Denise will win hands down. The BYOC, "bring your own contribution", flyer from Rachel just guaranteed that.
I thought I'd change subjects!! A friend of mine asked me a number of years ago why I wanted to endure three years of law school after barely getting through college. My experiences in college (mostly not classroom related) taught me an important lesson. When there is injustice, those who do not speak up are as guilty as those who are unjust. I decided to become a prosecutor. I work under Judge Lykos. I do not like her or her senior staff. I do not like the attitude she took with regards to Mark and Rifi. I do not like the fact that good people like Ed, Vic, Donna and Lester left, either on their own or otherwise. I do not like the fact that we can't put four prosecutors in the District Courts. I do not like many things about her. However, my loyalty is not to whomever sits in the leather chair at the end of the hall on the 6th floor. I do what I do each day because I can't stand the thought of child molesters or drug dealers sitting outside my daughter's school. I do it because I don't like people getting drunk and driving down the same highway that my wife and kids are traveling. I have always had good relationships with defense attorneys. Some are in private practice because they like the freedom of working for themselves. Some like the challenge of going up against the system. Some see injustice on the other side of the table and are motivated accordingly. I respect them and the inherent difficulties of their profession. At this point in my life, I could not do what they do. The reason prosecutors don't post their names on this, and other blogs, is not because we are afraid. It is because we like what we do and we feel called to the profession. Just like a defense attorney would never say on a blog "all of my client's are scum and they need to rot in prison", I cannot use my name and criticize Pat or her possee without jeopardizing the job and career I love. She will not sit in that chair for long, and when she finally does leave, I will serve to the best of my ability under my new leader. For now, I make the best of the circumstances and do the best I can. That's all I have. Thanks.
Anon 10:58,
Your comments crushed my heart. You are what being a great prosecutor is all about.
Maybe you were one of the few ADAs who stood up for Kelly when it counted as Chuck imploded and Lykos and the media drug her down along with the office.
I think what many posters on this blog are angry about is not that ADAs' lack compassion for fighting crime and seeking justice but rather that most were not willing to risk of themselves to insure that the mission you hold so dear and sacred be protected from those who have a total disregard for that honor.
How did we allow this to happen?
Ditto what Xi said. Most of us retired prosecutors, and those who left in the last couple of years certainly appreciate what you are doing. We just hate what's happening and feel helpless to do anything about it. We also understand why Mark and Denise feel it necessary to find way out.
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