Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bernstein's Back

I heard from several folks and sources this week that former-Chronicle writer Alan Bernstein is changing jobs over to the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

Given the current climate towards newspapers as they are rapidly becoming extinct, it is probably a wise move on Bernstein's part to grab a lifeboat before the S.S. Chron is completely submerged under water. Now, although Bernstein didn't want to be my friend on Facebook for some bizarre reason, I wish him well in his new position.

And to Sheriff Adrian Garcia, you've made an excellent call for a PR guy!

There ain't nobody that can ignore negative news about who he supports quite like Alan Bernstein!

Welcome back Alan!


Anonymous said...

This is a joke, right?

Anonymous said...

No way! Alan has no integrity. How much more clear can it be.

Alan the Whore lives!

Anonymous said...

Was Garcia paying Bernstein to run the stories on the sheriff and kelly? Deals like this don't happen overnight. Somebody ought to check his bank account.

With friends like Bernstein who needs enemies.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. Looks like Bernstein may be seeing the writing on the wall. Was the Shiticle about to fire his ass or perhaps they're about to go under? Hopefully IF they don't go belly up, the Shiticle will finally hire someone who won't pander to the troll bitch and her disgustingly pathetic attempts to run the DA's office.

Happy, happy Yarmulke!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for a Lykos/Garcia conflict?

Anonymous said...

When is Patsy going to hire Brian Rogers?

Anonymous said...

ANON 1:03,
That'll never happen. Brian Rogers and Jim Leitner have more estrogenic issues than a New Orleans whorehouse and the troll doesn't need any more office turmoil. Besides, the blown budget couldn't fund the Tampex requirement.

Anonymous said...

Although Bernstein is undoubtedly not a man of integrity he is politically savvy.
Bernstein must realize that Garcia is almost as incompetent as Lykos and will also be a one termer.
The good news is that Bernstein must know something about the Houston Comicle's impending doom that we are not privy to.
Bernstein is cut from the same coward's cloth as Brian Rogers and thinks a 3.5 year gig with Garcia is more secure than his bullshit at the Comicle.
Bottom line: in 3.5 years we'll have a new sheriff in town, a new DA (don't get too excited Jimbo it ain't gonna be you) and no more Houston Comicle. Life is good.

Anonymous said...

My only problem with the Chron folding as it seems it will is what will replace it. The TV morons get their stuff from them and all of the other papers. What they need is new management not death. Kinda like the car companies.

Anonymous said...

After the first of the year, a friend called me and asked who would win? Would the DA's office or the Sheriff's department collapse first? He called me right after March 27 and announced the DA's office had won. We who work at or around the DA's office have paid so much attention to the failures of Lykos and cronies, we are missing the Sheriff's office failures. I guess Bernstein has been hired to make sure the public never finds out about the Sheriff's disorganization. The Comical is famous for ignoring the facts and writing what they wanted, so now the Sheriff's office will get the same spin.

Anonymous said...

Hey 259,
No news is better than intentional misrepresentation of material facts. What goes around comes around.
Fuck the Houston Fraudicle.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Obama will bail out the newspaper and then we will have a government run newspaper. Comrades, with that bernstein wont be needed at the sheriff's office.

Anonymous said...

Alan Bernstein won't friend you- What a petty little whore he is. I guess he was worried you may take his job because at least you have your opinions and stick to them. You also don't lie about your objectivity.

Alan Bernstein's incomptetence was finally brought to light. He knew the writing was on the wall.

He says he reported things fairly... Ask your self this, how can a reporter who just reports the facts and has been doing so for his entire life, all of the sudden switch gears and become a promoter?

Promoters ignore the negative and promote the positive for the candidate or employer they work for. Alan is an absolute natural at that. He has been greasing his wheel for a long time.

Alan Berstein, your legacy is pretty poor. Some journalist write a book, some go on to TV or national newspapers, and then some get run out and have to be the rah rah guy for a police department....

Now, Garcia and Lykos have something in common, they both need PR people. Interesting if you think about it....

Anonymous said...

This is only a temp job, good only for the next 3 1/2 years.

Anonymous said...

Some of us at the Sheriff's Office would like to know where the money is coming from... Garcia has made our department top heavy with all sorts of administrators and leacing us bottom feeders the crums and no boots on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Adrian Garcia doesn't want to be Sheriff of Harris Co, he wants to be Mayor of Houston. Why else would he hire someone like Bernstein?

Anonymous said...

Garcia is recruiting for his campaign staff for his next election, whatever that may be. It surely won't be for Sheriff. He's already blown the budget twice hiring high dollar personnel into slots that do not exist. He also just hired a former Fox26 reporter. So now he has both print and TV media under control...

The 2024 Election

Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...