Hopefully, if you are reading this, you voted at some point over the past two weeks and all you need to do is wait for tonight's election results.
If, however, you enjoy the experience of voting on Election Day, please don't forget to get out there and vote! You can only vote at the polling location where you are zoned to today. If you need help figuring out where to go, try clicking here.
It is hard to believe that this campaign season is finally (mercifully) coming to an end. I'm exhausted and I wasn't even running for anything! My heart and admiration goes out to those candidates who put themselves through so much for the opportunity to serve the Public. If you have never worked closely with a campaign, you have no idea about all of the time and effort that these fine men and women running for office go through!
So the very least the rest of us can do is get out there and vote today.
If you have some extra time today and can actually work at a polling location for a candidate, let me know and I'll get you set up.
Most importantly, just make sure that you and your family and friends have voted.
Go vote for Mike Anderson!
Go vote for Kristin Guiney!
Go vote for Joe Vinas!
Go vote for Ryan Patrick!
Go vote for Renee Magee!
And vote against Jarred Woodfill by voting for Paul Simpson!
Hopefully this will be my last transmission until after we have the results in. I will be doing some tweeting throughout the day over anything relevant that crosses my mind regarding the race.
An insider's view of what is really happening in the Harris County Criminal Courts
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
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The 2024 Election
Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...
I'm sure by now that all of you have heard that Kelly Siegler resigned, effective immediately from the Harris County District Attorney...
One of the types of cases that bothered me tremendously when I was a Prosecutor and continues to bother me as a Defense Attorney is what are...
In addition to the extremely heated battle for Harris County District Attorney, there are only a handful of other races within the Criminal ...
You might be amused to know that Pat Lykos and her leading jester Big Jolly will follow you, no matter where you go.
My wife and I moved out of Houston to east Texas three years ago. But last week, we got a mailer from the Lykos gang and Big Jolly, urging us to vote for her and others on her "approved" list.
You can't get away from them!!!
Good luck to all the candidates.
Depending on how this turns out, someone might want to put Hooper's neighbor on alert. Tell him to keep his television down. We wouldn't want another "badge" moment; or as we like to call it at the CJC, a criminal trespass (at the very least).
I voted for each of these today. I'm not a lawyer and haven't seen the HCCJC except for jury pools. The argument that works for me is Lykos' mismanagement, capriciousness, grand jury investigations, the Palmer incident, and how she treats/speaks about her employees. While I understand the arguments on divert and her non-prosecutorial past, those in and of themselves are easily overlooked.
After the election in Nov, If Hooper gets charged, Rachel can represent him. Just hope she doesn't expect to be paid...
Hi I'm Lana Shadwick and I have been here since 7:00am. I am running for Judge.
This qualifes her for Judge? By the way Lana, you can not pass out slates but then the rules really don't apply to you.
Worked a poll this morning with a high school kid passing out Shadwick materials...he was there because he'd answered an ad on Craig's list and was being paid to be there. He couldn't answer a single question about her except that she worked in the DAs office. Kinda sad when you have to pay "supporters" to campaign for you on election day. Nice kid, tho.
Only 2% in but Anderson at 64%...please Lord!
I am looking at this case from a slightly different perspective than most of you, I have been. Charged with a crime. If Lykos gets elected, then I know that an incompetent and morally defunct individual will be leading the charge against me. In theory, that sounds like a win for me. However, I believe that she needs to go, so that all of the good people in that office have a honorable and decent person leading them.
Lykos has handcuffed our law enforcement professionals long enough. I hope you all get the boss that you hope for and that Anderson will make you want to come to work again.
God Bless ya'll for all your hard work.
Is Lykos giving a concession speech? I'd love to see a video of it posted on your blog. i
The first returns to come in have Anderson at 65 percent (44,870) and Lykos at 35 percent (24,374). Past elections generally have been about 40 percent of the entire total.
My yard guy just quit - does anyone have a phone number for Don Hooper? Oh wait, he doesn't work (ever), how about Rachel's?
Citizens of Harris County. For the last four years, I have faithfully served as your DA. I single-handedly drove more than 600 years of collective prosecutorial experience out of the office. I ridiculed the "incompetence" of seasoned prosecutors while placing some of the most moronic political hacks in senior management roles. I invented the internet, solved world hunger, chased down Barack Obama's birth certificate and found a cure for cancer. Now, I am being relegated to a life of bowling and shuffleboard. I want to thank my supporters for their votes. And for those of you who didn't vote for me, go f&^% &^%@#(*&@%&. God bless America. God bless Virginia Slims.
Sayonara bitches!!!!! Congrats to Mr Anderson. Wish I could be there to celebrate...
Mike will win. The turnout today was terrible.
All day long people were telling me no one was voting. That it was dead.
This was at four places around the county where there's generally lots of foot traffic.
Congrats. Now you'll be 3-0.
The Raging Elephants win.
Let me be the first to say....
Will Lykos do the right thing for the party and resign so Anderson can be appointed?
Newman will be symbolically fired tomorrow morning.
Is the old goat gonna show up at work? Will she reek of Jack Daniels and Pall Malls?
My oh my how the mighty have fallen
Toga! Toga! Toga!
There is one black cloud on the horizon, Joe Vinas losing to Robert Summerlin..a damned shame
I am not going to lie. I am enjoying watching Lykos lose as much as I enjoy digging out a big ole dry bugger, rolling it, and flicking it into the trash can.
Flicking this old bugger out of the DA’s office sure is making the public breath easier.
She sure was a bugger, was she not?
She just announced on Channel 13 that she is the DA until Dec. 31st and will continue to "get things done" before the. Her only regret is that she put too much time working at the DA's office & not enough time campaigning. GAG!
Coming nome a few minutes ago in the car I heard a Lykos commercial on KTRH..at 9:50 p.m....going for the last minute vote I guess!
Bye Bye Patsy. Don't forget to hold the exit door open for Chow, Vollman, and Lil Leitner. The Frat house is back in town.
Now Leadership Team! Do yourself a favor. Vacate before your contract isn't renewed.
Oliver is leading Fertitta! 52/47
Hilburn may be in a runoff depending on absentee ballots.
Love how she presented herself to the media as having been too busy and too focused on being DA to really focus on her campaign, and she guesses she should have been doing more bragging about all her accomplishments. I am not a criminal justice courthouse insider and even I knew enough to get a good laugh out of that! So happy for everyone that has had to suffer her "leadership"...I've had a similarly horrible boss and can only imagine the joy of having her removed from her spot by voters. Very glad for us regular citizens, too! Can't wait to see some honesty and integrity brought back to that position!
Is Lloyd Oliver really ahead of Fertitta? Is this a bad dream?
Is the democratic party that incompetent that they voted for someone who has been indicted multiple times? Seriously?!!!!! Thank you Fertitta for sticking your neck out there. Those of us in the trenches at the DA's office are grateful for the time and money spent.
Murray, now that you have succeeded, are you going to retire the blog? What will you have to write about?
Where can we get a glossy 8x10 of the photo on the Chron website about an hour ago with Lykos' head in her hands??
Mike Anderson 75,429 64%
Pat Lykos 43,191 36%
Congratulations to Mike and all those who worked so hard for him to rid us of the pestilence of Pat Lykos. She continues her ingrained way of lying to explain her shortcomings to blame someone beside herself. This is what makes her so evil.
Goodbye to:
Jimmy, Roger, John B, Hannah, Joni, Leon, Harvey, Benzion, and Joe the Investigator.
What a bunch of POS's.
Pat...bye bye you sorry sack. This office has never seen a happier day. I work for you you sack of shit...at least I did.
Channel 11 reporting from the Anderson election party stated that "45 current ADAs are there supporting Anderson for the win, and that speaks volumes about how they must feel about Lykos' leadership", then Shern min Chow smirked.
I smirked with her, I just hope those 45 aren't fired tomorrow.
First time poster...long time reader...and average Harris County Citizen...who wanted to say thank you for your diligence in continuing to provide transparency of the "inside works" for "outsiders", like myself.
I found your blog late 2008 / early 2009; while searching for information on Lyn McClellan and Joe Vinas; as they had recently successfully prosecuted a murder case; in which my loved one was one of the victims. Suffice it to say, I was beyond impressed with their skills and commitment shown during the trial; and their delicacy in handling of my family in the very trying times leading to the trial. Their compassion was evident!
Ok, ok…so my point is this. I am sure that I’m not the only “average citizen” who reads here regularly and wanted to take this opportunity to tell you and your posters here; that you all have provided a wealth of information which facilitated my ability to make a more informed decision about who I want; and don’t want representing my community.
When I learned Mike Anderson was running for DA; (and Joe Vinas for judge); I was certain they would have my vote. It was Mike Anderson's court in which the trial mentioned earlier occurred. Sitting in his courtroom for 7+ days, watching him consistently execute his rules with confidence, unambiguity; and absent any bias; I knew this is the type of leader I want for my community.
So…thank you Murray and your many contributors / posters here for helping us “average” people decipher what’s really happening vs. what’s being reported in mainstream media. Because of posts and comments from you and others, more informed than I; I voted early...for the first time ever since living here in Harris County!
Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to make sure you and everyone else here knows that there are “average citizens” who appreciate your input!
We can sleep well tonite knowing that we committed to making a change for the better and managed to do so.
I started working toward this goal when I found out how truly awful she was treating her employees. I was heartsick to realize that those poor people had to work under such horrific conditions. I also worked for a less than wonderful boss so I knew how they felt.
Thank you Murray for getting this information out to the public. You are a man of integrity. You have helped to make a difference. The office can now move forward and help to make our community a safer place.
Bye Bye Ms.I'm so great...Have a wonderful retirement. I just hope that the Texas Rangers come out with some crime you have committed so that you really pay for your arrogance.
Just saw a clip of some very Disturbing and Extremely illogical reasoning by the “esteemed and fair" Dr. Richard Murray on Ch. 13 earlier tonight. Even though - in his own words - he conceded the race at that point: looked like a landslide; thought the race would be closer and was just very surprised at the 2 - 1 disparity margin Mike was beating Lykos, he then comes up with this reasoning: I will paraphrase but please got to KTRK 13, and watch Dr. Richard Murray's analysis:
" Well getting a white Houston Police officer Indicted, just months before the election for beating up a black teenager, surely didn't play well with the overwhelming turnout of older white voters...and of course he was found not guilty ".
Wow! This is truly an amazing just downright stupid analysis of what this race was all about in the first place. Not one mention about the core reasons Mike has stated all along about why he was running against her in the first place that have all been spoken of here ad museum. Go see your shrink tomorrow "Dr." Murray. If you honestly believe this to be any kind of major contributing factor to the loss of the D.A. in this race then you truly have climbed so high up some Ivory Tower that has to at least be the height of a crack pipe standing upright.
So glad that competence and capability won over the political machine, but that is more because she alienated over half of the political power in the Republican party. Focused to much on work?? No. Too busy self destructing? Yes.
There were still too many wacky outcomes for me to think that the Harris County Republican party has put aside its "let's elect incompetent political hack" ways. So glad Anderson and Guiney won! Do you think that Yates will be stealing Blakemore's clients now? Do you think that Emmett will hire Lykos back since he is the foundling home for unemployed former elected officials? How hard will it be for some ADAs to keep the smile off of their faces tomorrow? Will the Rangers finally release their findings tomorrow? What a kick in the pants to lose and be indicted in the same week....Good job, Murray, distilling the anti-Lykos sentiment and keeping everyone focused! I don't know where I will focus my negative energy now....
Removing Lykos from the DA’s office is like going through the prep for a Colonoscopy, it’s a dirty job, but it has to be done for the long-term health of the community.
There is no doubt Mike will need to clip some additional polyps January 1, 2013.
Ding Dong
Just have to reiterate, Pat needs to look at all of the things that she did wrong to lose this race, none of which were working too hard. Taking credit for work already done, being a bully, associating and aligning yourself with bullies, not listening to the many years of experience that you chased out of the door. How you treat people comes back to you ten-fold. You have reaped what you sowed. I wouldn't go on a witch hunt tomorrow for the unnamed 45. If you had not made so many people mad over the course of your professional life, you would have won. Try exiting your position with some grace and style that you have been previously incapable of exhibiting. Maybe there is redemption out there for you somewhere, but I doubt it.
Bye Pat and all. It will take awhile to to recover, but we'll do ok. Good riddance.Please stay out of the justice system because you are evil and Karma will always get you.
Anon 10:50
You forgot!Good bye DON and DENNIS!
Bye, Lana! Hope you can ponder complexity elsewhere. Won't miss you!
Everyone talks about all the people that Lykos brought into the office and that need to get out. Jim, Roger, John B, Hannah, Joni Etc. Let's not forget that Joni Vollman was there since Holmes' tenure, long before Lykos. She is a true prosecutor who has always sought justice, works hard and does what she believes is the right thing to do in each case.
Old Bag....you don't lose by 30% because you were working too hard to campaign. Your "work" speaks for itself an that's why you got you saggy behind whipped!
The police officer couldn't be happier!
Joni has done many things that are borderline unethical and self serving. Either you are Joni herself or you have no clue. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Has always been a back stabber.
If you want the truth, ask those who would know the real Joni and how she was able to get where she is at. Its definitely not for her leadership and legal mind.
I'm sorry for Joni. She's gonna have to go as I don't see a new DA keeping around the SP Chief who Lykos took a liking to. I see people on here denigrating her but ask yourself this; if you had been promoted to that position wouldn't you do your best not to get fired? Joni honestly cares about the victims. All those years as a prosecutor she concerned herself with the victims. Joni will survive as she's smart and tenacious but she deserves to leave with her retirement. Hopefully Anderson will recognize that at least. Hang in there Joni.
Well the cops got their residue cases back so they can feel like big boys roughing people up over residue. Lykos made the wrong people mad, she was too sensible.
Joni is a nice person who got promoted to a position way over her head. Compare her to the previous Special Crimes Chiefs (Bob Bennett, Henry Oncken, Johnny Holmes, Don Stricklin, Bert Graham, Bill Taylor, Kelly Siegler, Maria McAnulty, Donna Goode, ) and you can really see the difference. I may have missed someone in that list but you get the point.
However, the worst thing Joni did was to drink the KoolAid . Both she and Carl Hobbs swilled that sickening concoction and asked for more.
She and Carl need to go.
Anon 8:03 a.m.
Many of us worked hard for the victims and cared very deeply about our jobs. We deserved our retirement too but were escorted out with a 2 sentence letter after YEARS of prosecution and only a few years left to retire. Sorry, Joni needs to go!!!
Anon 8:04
Well I seriously doubt the cops were roughing up anyone. Trace cases can be an important tool used to catch bigger and badder criminals.
Anon @ 8:04. You seriously doubt the cops were roughing up anyone? Cop said when asked why the rough arrest wasn't on camera; "He is just a f*g"." Cop said why the rough arrest not on camera "crackhead deserved it". Cop said why rough arrest not on camera "we all do it". Cops got what they wanted, a DA who won't stand up to them and force them to act ethically.
Anon 10:48 am
You left out TED WILSON. Incredible group of prosecutors! Joni isn't even in the same league.
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