Monday, December 21, 2009

The 2009 Twelve Days of Lykos

On the First Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me One D.A. endorsed Brady Violation.
On the Second Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me Two Stellar employees crucified in the Chronicle.
On the Third Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Three Washed Up judges demanding to be called "Judge".
On the Fourth Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Four people who actually care that Snooks testified before Congress.
On the Fifith Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Five DIVERT and Trace Case flip-flops.
On the Sixth Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Six weekly resignations from career prosecutors.
On the Seventh Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Seven Leitner bobbleheads, nodding to the Judges.
On the Eighth Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Eight unfilled spots in the Trial Bureau.
On the Ninth Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Nine friends of Bridgwater and Chow hired to fill positions.
On the Tenth Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Ten Golden parachutes for 10 Republican Failures,
On the Eleventh Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Eleven unpaid Pre-Commits.
On the Twelfth Day of Lykos, Snookems gave to me, Twelve months of General Mass Confusion.
Thanks to everyone for the contributions! It's much funnier (and on point) than last year.
Everybody have a Happy Holidays!
I'll show myself to the door.


Anonymous said...

Lykos just notched a big victory against Jackson. Her staff pushed all the right buttons in that trial.

Anonymous said...

9:36- you are a fucking idiot

Anonymous said...

9:36- you are a fucking idiot

BLACK INK said...

Lance Long, as usual, did a great job in spite of Pat Lykos.

Mia, Denise and Mark et al are on the way out; so Lykos had better continue to cater to Lance if she wants to retain a felony prosecutor worth their salt to play hardball.

Anon 9:36,
The only thing Lykos did to Jackson was make him look ethical in comparison.

Anonymous said...

"Her staff', career ada's! With the office long enough to know how to try a case. Didn't need "her staff" to tell them how to get a guilty.

jigmeister said...

Shush, Lance is a Holmes hire.

Anonymous said...

Our friend Bernstein makes a quote in the Comical! Read the Jackson article, I find it amusing that such a "talented" journalist is relegated to that! What a loser. The only thing worse would be being Palmer's campaign manager, whoever that dog is.

Whores R' Us

Anonymous said...

Our friend Bernstein makes a quote in the Comical! Read the Jackson article, I find it amusing that such a "talented" journalist is relegated to that! What a loser. The only thing worse would be being Palmer's campaign manager, whoever that dog is.

Whores R' Us

BLACK INK said...

Anon 10:59,
You can't blame Palmer's campaign manager for his client's inappropriate behavior any more than you can blame the entire defense bar for representing the scum they deal with day to day.
We all have jobs to do. Everyone is not as fortunate as you in that they do not always have the luxury to take the high road.
Unlike Palmer, her campaign manager actually has a very good and well deserved reputation.
It will,no doubt, be a challenge for him to represent Palmer and maintain his integrity; but let's not judge him prematurely.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Mia?

Anonymous said...

where is Mia going?

Black Ink: Is that you, Brewer?

Aggie Pct Chair said...

I don't think it is healthy to attack fellow Republicans. I don't believe anything good comes from infighting and that is what you have been creating Black Ink. If Palmer were so bad then she would have an opponent. Since she does not, I suggest you move on.

Anonymous said...

Aggie Chair, and that attitude gave us some of the most unqualified judges with the R attached to their name. Just because a person has an R attached to their name does not mean the person should be elected. When party loyalty is more important than good sense, then we are doomed.

BLACK INK said...

Aggie Pct Chair,
Some lead, some follow and some are content to simply sit and drink the Kool Ade.
The Corps. should have taught you better leadership and comprehension skills.

Anonymous said...

Aggie Pct Chair, what an Aggie thing to say. Palmer will be an embarassment to the party, much the same way Don Jackson, Lon Harper and Werner Voigt were. Had there been infighting, maybe those clowns would never have taken office in the first place. Just because someone has an "R" or a "D" after their name does not make them qualified to run for dog catcher much less a criminal court. Bad candidates bring the whole party down.

Murray Newman said...

As far as I know, nothing has happened to Mia. I haven't heard anything about her leaving the Office. Lykos and crew would have to be a real bunch of Jackasses to let that happen. Oh wait . . .

Aggie Precinct Chair,
I have to side with Black Ink on this one. The Republican Party in Harris County is in deep dookie right now, and part of that is based on who they are annointing as their "Chosen Ones" to run for offices. I'd rather see some candidates with some real credentials on their resumes than people who are just "Party Faithful".

Look at Dennis Slate, who is the Democratic challenger for CCL # 13. He's been an attorney since 2001. He's a municipal judge already. He's been in the military since he was 18 years old and has served his country for the past 17 years.

Compare that to someone who can only say she knows Carolyn Farb. The credential differential is astounding. If the Republicans can't field a candidate with better credentials, I wouldn't expect to be acquiring too many of those "independent" votes, if you know what I mean.

I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I have been in the criminal court house for 25+ years. I have neither seen or heard of Dennis Slate. Has he ever tried a case? Maria Jackson was a muni Judge. How is that working out?

Murray Newman said...

I've seen Dennis there on several cases. It may not be his primary area of practice, but he's there.

And actually, Judge Jackson hasn't done all that bad of a job. She's been very deferential as she was learning. I remain a die-hard Judge Cosper fan, but Judge Jackson hasn't been a disaster by any stretch of the imagination.

Anonymous said...

Aggie Pct Chair - the system is crippled by party loyalists on both sides. The only thing so many republican grass roots folks want to know is the candidate's position on abortion - which has nothing to do with being a criminal judge. The only thing worse than a republican is a democrat.

Anonymous said...

I have known Dennis for a long time. He has integtrity. While his practice is not primarily criminal, he is plenty smart enough to learn it.

But I am one of the few around who harbors no animosity toward Rachel Palmer. She's always been nice to me, and by no means would she be the worst judge in the court house. That all being said, I think Dennis may be the better candidate.

Anonymous said...

I prosecuted cases against Dennis and was impressed with his professionalism and work ethic. I have been at the office for Rachel's entire (brief) tenure. I don't have anything negative or positive to say about her other than I am going to vote for Dennis. I believe he will get the majority of the DA's votes minus the 6th floor.

John Brewer is not Black Ink, BTW.

BLACK INK said...

Anon 5:30,
I concur and will be voting for Dennis Slate as well.
Rachael Palmer personifies what is wrong with the Harris County Republican Party.

It's more likely that the "Brewer" 9:21 referenced was Steve Brewer; Rachael Palmer's campaign manager.
Steve is good people and my comments in support of his character were merely intended to convey that mere association does not equate to guilt. Sound familiar?
Steve Brewer is no Rachael Palmer. He has always maintained high ethical standards and unless he shows me otherwise I will continue to hold him in high regard.

Anonymous said...

I am hearing that Palmer is getting ready to draw an opponent in the primary.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that an incredibility qualified person is about to announce for CCCL # 13 as a republican. It is someone I can support 100%.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Slate was a uh grad about the same time as me. Hard worker? Sure. Integrity? Not so much. He's a nice guy, for the most part, but he's a family lawyer mostly. He's no more or less qualified than Palmer. I doubt I'll vote for either of them. You don't have to vote in every race, you know.

Twilight Zoned said...

Rachael Palmer and her Badger;
Thought her bench was in the bagger.

Smokin' Pat her benfactor;
Never thought of another actor.

Palmer and Patsy have a lot of gall;
But our new boy plays better ball.

Tee it up you big pretender;
A real ADA is now a contender.

If Lykos wants a referendum;
I say rip her a big new rectum.

Murray Newman said...

The rumors are true.

Don Smyth threw his name into the hat to run for CCL # 13. I'll be writing more on that in the next day or so.

The difference in experience between Rachel and Don spans decades.

BLACK INK said...

Excellent news!
I will support Don Smyth whole heartedly. He'll make an outstanding judge.
Please let us know when he is set up to accept financial contributions, fundraisers, volunteers etc. I'm on board 100%.

Aggie Pct Chair said...

Please let me know what her challenger's qualifications are? I believe this is an example of what is wrong with the Republican party. These decisions should be made behind closed doors. Now any problems either candidate has will be aired out by insiders. Lykos should have more control over her employees. I am hopeful she will have a "talk" with this late entry and that person will not disgrace her office and will run his campaign in a professional manner that coincides with the interest of the party as a whole.

Murray Newman said...

Aggie Pct. Chair,
Don Smyth is the former head of the Civil Rights Bureau and the Division Chief of Division A of the trial bureau.

I strongly disagree with your belief that meetings like that need to happen behind closed doors. It was crap like that which provided us with Lykos in the first place.

As for Lykos giving Don any instructions on how to run his campaign, that's laughable. She's the old goat who hitched her wagon to Terry Lowry, remember. Don would never disgrace the office. He's got way too much class for that.

It's Lykos who disgraces that Office. And THAT, my friend is what's wrong with the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...


I respect you and will probably place my vote based on your endorsement. You seem to be fair and give credit where credit is due. I am concerned that we are hurting our cause and it starts here and is the reason we have the problems we do with our national government. If Lykos is the problem, and I concede that I am beginning to believe that, then Palmer is part of the problem. Let's deal with these problems in a unified fashion to further our ultimate goal. One reason I read Black Ink is because he enjoys the same national perspective that I have. So, my friend, we will continue to grow.

Aggie Pct Chair

Anonymous said...

Aggie Chair, You sound like you pledge allegiance to the Republican Party and only the Republican Party. I pledge allegiance to the Flag and the Republic for which it stands, so I who have voted for Democrats and Republicans will be supporting Don Smyth. By the way, Don Smyth is a man of unquestioned integrity, honesty and ability. He should receive the support of every Republican who is interested in a good judiciary. Let me correct myself, he should receive the support of every voter, Republican and Democrat, who are interested in a good judiciary.

Anonymous said...

I have heard nothing but great things about Don Smyth. I will probably vote for Dennis Slate because I like what he stands for and don't like to see Judges come straight from the office but I'm thrilled there is an actual qualified Republican candidate.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny Murray..... and sad, but true.

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