Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Revelation of Rage?

Rage Judicata.

You know him. If you're an ADA, you probably don't love him.

He and I have had a contentious relationship on this blog. He makes some bombastic statements that I often disagree with. But sometimes he makes some good points and counter-arguments that I think add to the debate.

Rage attacks anonymous posters and the blogger known as Black Ink for their views and insults them for their anonymity. His frequent barbs with the late blogger, Arthur Seaton, were often mesmerizing battles of insults unmatched outside of a marriage.

However, in the comments section of my link to Black Ink's latest post, Rage threw down a challenge to an anonymous commenter that went something like this:

I tell you what, I'll make you the same deal I made Arthur Seaton, and now Black Ink, both of who were too chickenshit to take me up on it--you put your name out there, and I'll put mine.

This morning, said Anonymous commenter revealed his name: Harold Simons.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Simons. Thank you for reading the blog.

Rage, looks like the ball is your court, partner.

And to paraphrase another commenter on the earlier post, somebody please pass the popcorn.


Anonymous said...

Oh, now that is some funny stuff.

On a side note, I couldn't find a Harold Simons born before 1939 on a couple of search engines, no Harold Simons anywhere near Houston on a couple of others, and no Harold Simons licensed to practice law anywhere in Texas.

So I bet until that is confirmed you won't hear anything.

/not rage, but I've emailed him about this

Anonymous said...


Just Sayin' said...

Why does this Harold guy have to live in Houston and/or be an attorney? What is the significance of 1939 and what does his age have to do with anything? Perhaps he has a friend or relative who is an ADA in Houston? Maybe he's just an Andy Kahan without the need for overt recognition? Why can't he be just an ordinary citizen fed up with the political bullshit at 1201Franklin? Who cares really his point was well made.

In any event what are Rage and not Rage so worried about that they have to continue hiding in the proverbial closet? When liberals don't like the message they simply attack the messenger. So expect rage to continue making excuses because that's all he has ever been.

Just Sayin'

Anonymous said...

I can see how it would matter. The way I always read his posts, Rage only commented about anonymous posters when they were complaining about him being anonymous. Arthur and Black made those complaints while being anonymous themselves. And some made up name of a person with no skin in the game isn't revealing at all.

David Martin

BLACK INK said...

David Martin,

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son of a bitch."
--Jack Nicholson

Anonymous said...

Ironic or not, it's probably true.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm not buying it either. Say what you want about that, but anyone can make some stuff up. If he's this vested in this blog, and takes it this personally, he's in the HCDAO. Making up some other name aint gonna' cut it.


Anonymous said...

"Yeah, I'm not buying it either. Say what you want about that, but anyone can make some stuff up. If he's this vested in this blog, and takes it this personally, he's in the HCDAO. Making up some other name aint gonna' cut it. "

What a pussy.

Murray Newman said...

Can't say that I'm surprised that Rage wasn't going to identify himself. He's said too many things on the blog that he probably wouldn't want tied back to his name.

Like all Anonymous commenters, his opinions and comments are still welcome here.

But his blasting of others for being anonymous will ring with a little less righteous indignation from now on.

Anonymous said...

Excellent retort. I'm guessing it's because you have nothing smarter to say, and therefore assume you're one of those bottom of the barrel ADAs I was talking about.


Anonymous said...

It's beginning to appear that "Harold Simons" is a straw man. I'm skeptical that is his true idenity.

Murray Newman said...

Give me a break guys. I'm not saying this blog is People Magazine or even the Drudge Report, but people outside of the courthouse do read it.

Nobody is going to put their name, date of birth and Social Security Number on here to prove something to Rage.

It is much more of a "straw dare" than a "straw man" that we are talking about here.

Anonymous said...

Murph, I read it daily, despite the facts that I am not a lawyer, do not live in Harris County, and have not (nor plan to be)a defendant at the HCCJ. Always interesting, and usually entertaining. The comments are always fun.

Chance Bolton

Anonymous said...

In the "About me" section of this blog, it states "This blog is meant to give the Outsider an inside view." and I, for one, am an outsider. I do not work as a lawyer, but I have a family member who have had the misfortune of suffering at the hands of a bad DA office, and that suffering has trickled down to the whole family and ultimately caused financial issues that affect the tax payers, so I read this blog. I appreciate this blog and several others by HC attorneys, I completely understand the reasoning behind needing to be anonymous, but bullying and name calling on the internet, in any forum, is a sure sign of a deep psychological issue, try going outside in the 3D world sometime and communicating with something other then a keyboard.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a retort, just an observation. What makes you think your stupidity deserves some sort of cogent, well ordered retort?

It's ridiculous that you think that just because some dudes you knew in law school who became d.a.s were "bottom of the barrel" that's the way all d.a.s must be. You really are not too bright.

Anonymous said...

Not a straw dare, more like an anonymous bluff that got called. And again, the only time I ever saw Rage go after an anonymous poster it was when they were criticizing anonymous posts. Black Ink is famous for that.

As for the guy above who said bullying and name calling are a sign of wekness, you're right. And as Exhibit A, I direct you to the posts of every ADA on this blog.


Anonymous said...


May I suggest you point your readers to Murder By the Book, a local independent bookseller here in Houston? They even have signed copies for sale.


Anonymous said...

Philip Grant from the Montgomery County DA's office went to VMI .....Rage said he went to VMI....someone might want to contact Philip...

Anonymous said...

This isn't the Drudge Report? I am shocked. I thought that is what I have been reading everyday. Rage, dude, it's time to give it up. Come on, already. Although I don't typically, or really ever, agree, you have some good and colorful opinions that inspire people. Don't hide from it. You can be the man!!

Luci Davidson

Anonymous said...

Given Rage's general level of discourse on this website, I'd rather have a first year law student represent me in a Harris County courthouse (or anywhere else for that matter).

As far as Rage's identity, does anyone really care who the garbage he spouts comes from?

Not an ADA

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm Rage Judicata. My real name is Pat Lykos. Brillant job, Harold. Don't quit your day job.

Anonymous said...

I am not Rage and don't know who he is. If any of you "Life at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center" folks find yourself at the courthouse just a little north, come by and say hello.

Phil Grant
VMI '93

Murray Newman said...

For some reason, I get the impression that Rage is quite a bit older than Phil.

And hello, Phil! Glad to hear you are doing good up there in MoCo.

Anonymous said...

Calling Rage a pussy gives him way too much credit.
Whether or not Harry Simmons exists or not is besides the point. Rage lost his cojones a long time ago.
Black Ink's last reference to anonymity I found was complimenting Luci Davidson for not being anonymous on one of her posts. This compliment prompted Rage to launch into one of his petty vitriolic tirades. Arthur Seaton has been quiet for a long time.
Rage is most likely in a one man office at 600 Travis who routinely gets his ass kicked by ADAs at the courthouse and revealing his true insignificance here would destroy any vestige of delusional grandeur he has left.
Rage is a victim of sorts who makes excuses to compensate for his gross inadequacy. He projects his failings onto those he deems superior in a futile effort of retribution.
I am confident that if a current identifiable ADA were to raise the issue of anonymity and sign his name there is no way in Hell that Rage would step out of the chickenshit closet.

John Lewis
Harris, County, Texas
BTW, I'm not an ADA or an attorney or pretending to be one.....I'm just an ordinary no big deal citizen who will no doubt be anonymously condemned by Rage or his cover David Martin who I am guessing is Rage's gardner.

Anonymous said...

How do you know Jack Nicholson is "probably" an SOB?
It's more likely you missed the absract nature of the analogy.

Try this one:
Rage Pot,
Who are you calling Black?
Mr. Kettle.

A Jack Nicholson Fan

Anonymous said...

Hey John, ask these guys what they think of VMI.


Anonymous said...

Hey Rage,

You disgrace VMI.

Great warriors perform, the others brag about it.

USNA class of '87

Just Sayin' said...

Rage reminds me of that little pink battery operated bunny on TV. An insipid little shit hidden behind dark glasses that just won't stop beating his stupid little drum no matter how ridiculous it sounds.

Just Sayin'

Anonymous said...


Thank you for finally sticking a fork in Rage. Have a great weekend with Luke.


Mark W. Stephens said...

For the record, I have never understood the cowardice of making public statements about others while remaining "anonymous." Guess its just not my style.

I did a cursory search on my databases and found there are plenty of "Harold Simons" living not only in the greater Houston area, but stretching as far as Dallas.

It is completely plausible that Harold Simons is the real name.

However, I doubt very seriously that "Rage" will ever live up to his/her promise. That would take courage beyond their capability. Just my opinion.

-Mark W. Stephens


I agree, just sayin'.

Best just to ignore types like that because it's the only attention they get.

But I do miss me some Arthur Seaton. That prosecutor was funny, succinct and I bet a hoot on a night on the town. There's some other legendary prosecutor bloggers that I miss as well.

Black Ink conducts himself as a man. I like his blog, link to it on my blog and read it regularly.

Black Ink shouldn't really have to listen to or enter into challenges with the anonymous village idiot. It's really no challenge to debate with a person "allegedly" not in compliance with their meds.

Rage's SO a/k/a Butterface said...

So let's get this straight: Harold Simons, Luci Davidson John Lewis and Mark W. Stephens are collectively "Straw People". Really? What are Rage and his "straw boy" David Martin smoking? I mean who the hell has heard of this David Martin guy anyway?
Murray you could post a petition signed by every friggin ADA in the great state of Texas denouncing anonymity and Rage would still hide his whinny ass in the corner.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours butterface"

98.19X.XX.X said...

Which one of you ever really belived that anything posted on the internet is anonymous?

Anonymous said...

I mean who the hell has heard of this David Martin guy anyway?

That's a good question. More than have heard of Harold Simons, I bet.

Anonymous said...

I - SERIOUSLY - love this whole identity mystery stuff. I make a humble suggestion. IF from this point forward EVERYONE - AND I MEAN EVERYONE - (unless you have a Blog name that won't allow it like Black Ink) simply end their comments with the name: Rage. Lets not feed this narcissist anymore attention, lets dilute it. Signed:

Rage or Rage Judicata. (so long as he is signing his name Rage then I'm just Rage too. Have fun - start diluting the pool or start ignoring the little WO-man with the little P***s and Big ego!


Anonymous said...

I'm a dick and a coward.


Anonymous said...

Rage @ 12:05,

Excellent idea!
Mr."IP address" @ 1411 hrs (that's 2:11 PM for non-Ragers....ooh rah!) makes a good point.
That's why I bought a new laptop with cash and registered under the name Rage Pussycata. I cancelled Embarq as a server and I'll use WiFi and internet cafes from now on.
Oh and Rage @ 5:30, if you're going to continue your anonymous drivel at least sign off Rage like you usually do sweetmeat.


Anonymous said...

Murray says: " Rage, looks like the ball is your court, partner.
And to paraphrase another commenter on the earlier post, somebody please pass the popcorn. "

Well Newman! I can't compete or reveal my identity because I like to beat up on women and at times have caught myself staring at little girls. Basically Murray I'm an asshole and a coward. No-one ever read my piece of shit Blog and I certainly don't have the vocabulary of Bennett. So you see ALL OF THIS explains why I Rage.


Anonymous said...

"I mean who the hell has heard of this David Martin guy anyway?

That's a good question. More than have heard of Harold Simons, I bet."
(posted out of context by Anon 5:30)

AND now the statement in full context:
"So let's get this straight: Harold Simons, Luci Davidson John Lewis and Mark W. Stephens are collectively "Straw People". Really? What are Rage and his "straw boy" David Martin smoking? I mean who the hell has heard of this David Martin guy anyway?"

Rage sounds like he may be the notorious blogger who defamed former U.S. Ag. Dept. Exec. Shirley Sherrod by quoting her out of context during a speech to the NAACP.....I mean when the whole truth doesn't suit you, pick out the parts that do......Just Sayin'


Anonymous said...

Bennett uses vocabulary above his intellect? Or was that Black Ink?
Anyway they are both idiots and I'm a war hero and genius so who cares?


Anonymous said...

Looks like I'll have to start up again. This had been pretty fun, watching your collective panties get in a wad.

Anonymous said...

YOU are such an easy target. I knew I could flesh you out. OK people, NOW here's what we do. No matter what this idiot says in BLUE INK or not - do nothing. Ignore. Start another conversation or let this one die. You see how he feeds on ATTENTION. Show you have the discipline to NEVER respond to this nut EVER again. Let me be very clear: BANISHMENT - IGNORE - DO NOT RESPOND. His ego is fragile. From this point on DO NOT USE HIS NAME IN ANYTHING! Don't take the bait like he did. He just showed his ass and he doesn't even know it yet.


Anonymous said...

Flesh me out? Hell, I was in this thread before you were.

Good luck with the ignoring, it's been tried before. It also makes me try harder for attention. That usually makes you clowns far madder than you think I am right now.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Public Service Announcement:
Hey everyone, early voting is tomorrow. Due to the fire in August and many of the County's voting machines being destroyed you will be much better off voting at one of the early voting "beehives" rather than waiting for November 2nd. The County somehow was able to borrow enough to supposedly get by but don't wait too late to find out. By 11/02/10 then there may be fewer machines to go around and you will be in a Very, very, very long line. Early voting will be long and frustrating as well but not as bad as waiting till the actual day.

Everyone sleep tight, good night, don't let the bed bugs bite....


Anonymous said...

Rage is prolly ole Patty herself. or Wee Man.

Anonymous said...

A little late to this post, but I will point out that Murray does have readers outside of the HCDAO - including myself. I never was a persecutor ... I mean prosecutor, and I don't even live in the state anymore!

Even better... guess who swore me in? Judge Pat. So I might not even be a lawyer! ;)

-Eric M.-

The 2024 Election

Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...