Well, I'm not going to lie. I woke up with a smile on my face this morning.
I keep remembering that in December of 2008, I got fired from the same job by two different people. Last night, Pat Lykos got fired by 90,842 people.
My analysis of the election is mostly just a confirmation of what I've always thought. In 2008, Lykos and Leitner won the Election only by getting into a run-off with Kelly Siegler. The 2008 election wasn't the rejection of Kelly -- it was just the successful manipulation of politics by Lykos. I have been cautiously optimistic about the 2012 Election ever since we learned it was only going to be a two-person race.
The fact that the voters in Harris County got the message from the Criminal Justice Center is a relief. Time and time again, I heard the old line about how "nobody cares what is going on in the CJC other than the lawyers" and that those things Lykos was doing didn't bother the General Public. I kept remembering back in 2002 when a judge named Janice Law did such a bad job on the bench that she didn't make a run-off in her own primary as an incumbent. I had to hope that if the word filtered to the public about Judge Law's poor performance then, surely Lykos' performance would be known as well.
The fact that Judge Anderson's victory over Lykos was so crushing seems to illustrate that assessment was correct.
There were a lot of ecstatic Harris County prosecutors at the Anderson Party last night. I'm so very happy for all of them. When I got canned by Lykos in 2008, I kept saying that I was afraid "the living would come to envy the dead," and sadly, I was right. The Lykos Administration ran off over 90 prosecutors in four years, and quite frankly, I'm surprised that was all. Those who stayed there for the past four years and just kept on doing their job have my admiration. I honestly don't know what I would have done under the circumstances.
You all deserve a huge round of applause. Even if Pat Lykos moves you all to the Justice of the Peace Division for the next seven months.
Lloyd Oliver's victory is an absolute stunner, and if anyone thinks that means an easy November, think again. Zack Fertitta is a million times more qualified than Lloyd ever thought of being and he lost. If you think that isn't a possibility of happening in the Fall, think again. Unless the Election is going to be decided by a Spelling Bee, we need to get ready to work every bit as hard in the Fall as we did in the Spring.
Speaking of Zack, if there is any silver lining to the Democratic race, it means that there won't be an ugly campaign between Fertitta and Anderson. Zack Fertitta is a good man and he was running to help an Office that he cared about like we all do. I appreciate him running and making the effort. Last night's Democratic race speaks volumes about the lack of information the Dems had.
Kristin Guiney proved last night that you cannot buy an election (no matter how many poll workers you hire off of Craigslist) with her trouncing of Lana Shadwick. I couldn't be more happy for her. Big congratulations also go out to Ryan Patrick and Renee Magee, who won their (not-quite-as-hotly-contested) races, as well.
No evening is ever perfect. Joe Vinas lost to Robert Summerlin, which is a shame. Joe was the better and more experienced candidate. On a selfish level, I'm glad that he's staying as a prosecutor, though. He will succeed no matter where he goes.
Crickets are chirping over on Don Hooper's blog, although I don't expect that to last. I don't think he ever realized that his words of hatred did very little for his cause. Instead, they inspired a legion of people to work even harder to beat Pat Lykos.
I have no idea what Rachel Palmer's career will be from here on out at the D.A.'s Office, but I would guess her days are numbered. A while ago, I heard through the grapevine that she was promised a job by Robert Talton if he wins the County Attorney's seat.
Gary Polland showed that he is still as non-influential as he has ever been. The endorsements he gave in the Criminal Courthouse Elections were roundly rejected. That's ironic since he was the only one of the slate mailers who worked in the criminal arena. I guess the message is that Gary's reputation in the CJC world is pretty the same in the outside world as well. He's just a putz and his recommendations mean nothing.
And finally, many people have asked me what I would do (and or blog about) if Lykos lost. Well, I guess I'm going to just keep going to work. I told Judge Anderson when he first announced that I wanted to help him and that I didn't want my job back in return. I just wanted a good leader back in that Office.
He more than lived up to his end of the bargain.
So, we'll see what topics come up in the months and years to come. I'm sure Lykos will give me some material over the next seven months.
In the meantime, I'm going to start doing more non-profit work, and I would like your help. I'm asking that all my readers donate to an Adult Literacy Campaign in the name of Don Hooper. You don't have to sign your name to it.
Just send a check in the amount of $49.99 and we'll all know where it came from.
An insider's view of what is really happening in the Harris County Criminal Courts
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The 2024 Election
Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...
I'm sure by now that all of you have heard that Kelly Siegler resigned, effective immediately from the Harris County District Attorney...
One of the types of cases that bothered me tremendously when I was a Prosecutor and continues to bother me as a Defense Attorney is what are...
In addition to the extremely heated battle for Harris County District Attorney, there are only a handful of other races within the Criminal ...
It is a beautiful day Murray and thanks for all the hard work you have put in over the past few years educating those of us outside of the CJC about what was really going on -- your efforts really contributed to last night's outcome!
It was a pleasure to finally meet you in person at the party last night -- keep up the great work!
Would the real Gary Polland please stand up.
Patsy took what I like to call an "Old Fashioned Fifth Ward Beatdown".
Sic semper tyrannis.
Oh man, your sense of humor is finally developing.
However, your investigative skills may need some work if you don't already know what to write about. A sure-to-increase jail population, evidentiary issues with everything from eye witness I'd to post-conviction DNA testing, you name it.
Congratulations to all of you who worked for Anderson. It is always a relief and a pleasure to see your candidate win.
Now you just have to hope that Obama doesn't help the Democrats carry the county, or else your "it's hard to see how anyone can take him seriously" statement about Oliver will be something you wish you had knocked on wood over.
Relief. Hope. Happy.
Mostly: Relief. Relief. Relief.
I was amazed at just how many prosecutors were so relieved. I knew of the stress, having worked with them for many years, and reading this blog. However, the smiles, tears, and relaxed atmosphere I observed last night was truly amazing. We still have soem work to do. The general election will have a much better turnout. So, we have to keep this up through November.
On another note, I too was sorry to hear that Joe Vinas lost. He is a really good man and will be needed around the court house anyway. Keep your chin up Joe! You have many, many supporters that really don't want you on the bench anyway.
Gotta wonder what Lyke Pathos is going to do for the next 7 months...
And the entire CJC just exhaled a breath that we have been holding since 2008......
What is it that Nick and Pat Lykos have in common?
Neither one will have a job at the end of the year.
I guess they could open a law office but neither one knows much about the profession so business would be scarce.
Lykos fell victim to ... Lykos. She was an example of the idiom, "born on third on thought she hit a tripple." She won on a fluke. Then she tried to embrace the ignorant Machiavellian principle that it is better to be feared than loved. She, however, didn't read the rest of this chapter where it is stressed that to be hated is the worst of all.
Lykos, you were, and continue to be, hated. This is not because you ended the "frat house" atmosphere that you claim existed. It is because you are at your heart a bully. You showed this with Mark and Riffi, and then you continued this conduct with Donna Goode (now Cameron).
You surrounded yourself with "yes" men and women, and fell victim to their lack of experience and wisdom.
No one knows what the next few months will bring during the twighlight of your reign of incompetence. The citizens of Harris County will be best served if you fade into the irrelevance that is your desitny.
I saw a lot of two-faced prosecutors at the party last night who were afraid to support Mike until it became clear it was a landslide. Turns my stomach.
As an attorney who has little to no interaction with the criminal bar, I appreciate the effort you put forth in the blog and the fact that it paid dividends to oust Lykos. Your blog educated one civil attorney (myself) who then took that information and educated his voting family members about the issues. I don't know how many of them voted, but they voted for Anderson in large part because of the issues brought forth in your blog.
Keep up the good work!
So much for the double digit lead that Lykos had in polling as claimed by Jolly and Hooper. Now maybe Hooper will quietly ride off into the night.
I will be ordering Ding Dong buttons and they will be free to all ADAs. Update to follow.
Just a quick question. Do you think Mr. Anderson will insist on being called Judge Anderson?
I think he will probably insist on being called Mike.
Everybody be nice and go to Big Folly's and Pooper's sites and post a good-bye note.
Big Folly and Pooper are not showing any comments; so please give them a well deserved send off and go post a nice goodbye note.
As an out of county prosecutor, I'm especially relieved and optimistic about the prospects of the Harris County DA's office being restored to its place among the flagship DA's offices in Texas. For many years, under Vance and Holmes, that office set the standard for prosecutorial excellence statewide. It was sad to see the decline under Lykos and, to a degree, Rosenthal.
Like it or not, the news that results from the activities of the Harris County DA's office has the potential to impact the public perception of prosecutors throughout Southeast Texas and the Upper Gulf Coast regions. This applies to the attitudes or jurors as well.
It's really nice to know that a veteran prosecutor might soon be back in charge of that office. Perhaps some of the veteran talent that left the office can be convinced to return. In any case, this was a huge step in the right direction. Good job voters of Harris County!
@12:43 PM
I would post on Big Jolly, but he has censored ALL postings of mine over a ten day period. None were vulgar.
Funny, did he not state on this blog just a few days back, "I don't censor anything"?
Big LIE Politics
...because truth NEVER matters...
David Jennings is a big LIAR, and is not a Conservative. Communists censor, not a free society.
Thanks Murray for your time and hard work on this blog to make Harris County better.
Well, no need to learn my name now, Patsy. Just keep yourself busy with all that "work." I've had some awful bosses, but none as bad as Patsy, and none I've been able to help get unelected. It's an amazing feeling.
There's no real noise yet around the CJC, but the consensus is worry about what lame duck Patsy is capable of. We all know grace is not her strong suit. I am sure she is mad as all hell and looking for blood, and she is still our boss.
She can only make my life a living hell for a little longer. If I made it this far, I can stay out of the paper and out of Little Jimmie's office a little longer, I hope.
anon @1:15 said "It was sad to see the decline under Lykos and, to a degree, Rosenthal." What are you smoking? to a degree?
Y'all leave Hooper alone.
Palmer, Dexter, and now, Lykos - somebody has to replace Polland. Hoop's just doing his best to fill that need. #careerchange.
Whether you like Mike and think he'll be a good DA or not, or for that matter, whether you like Lykos or not,the choice in November is easy. But, unfortunately, like the judicial races, it will boil down to party turnout.
There is a chance that Obama will turn out Democrats again in November and Oliver could win in the sweep.
Scary thought, isn't it.
Let me make a suggestion as an "outsider". As much as many of the ex-DA's pine for the world as they used to see it, many things were allowed to transpire that undermined the trust of the people.
The voters voted Lykos' in.
When the public you serve doesn't believe that they will receive justice, all the hope that the old days will be back again are already a failure.
The voters voted Lykos' out.
Please try to be that fair, just and professional organization that we all believe you can be.
A big "Thank You" to everyone who voted and got their friends and family to vote. Congratulations MIKE!
TopGun -
Consider the source. He didn't have the guts to post the truth in the first place...so he certainly doesn't have the guts to post opposing thoughts or opinions. Which, come to think of it, is probably why Hooper was his only follower...
I really hope Lykos paid him a butt load of money for all that drivel :)
If BRADFORD couldn't win in the first Obama sweep...Oliver won't win in the Second Obama run...which won't be a sweep.
That being said, the ONLY time for any candidate to let up ever...is after the polls close on election day.
@10:48. How is it two-faced to be on the down-low when you are trying to un-elect your boss, who no one thought could be defeated a year ago? Who said they weren't supporting just because they never got their picture taken?
I'm impressed by the bravery of lots of current ADAs, given how vindictive and nasty our boss is (she is still our boss, remember). I can't afford to lose my job and I serve the people of this county first. But I did plenty of silent damage to Dear Leader, and I don't think that's two-faced.
I think it's two-faced to keep telling lies to this county, and so did 90,000 other people. Hooray!
This is a great day for the DA's office. I couldn't be happier for Mike and the office. I was unable to vote for him as I live in Fort Bend County but I did manage to contribute a few bucks to the campaign. When I was Chief Prosecutor in the 248th District Court in the mid '80s Mike was my Number Two for 18 months. He did a helluva job and we all managed to have some fun along the way as well. You folks still at the office will have a great boss who's been where you are. But let's not ease up, we still have November to go!
P.S. I've told him I think he should grow the mustache back but he's advised me it's a thing of past.
Here's a frightening thought. Is Lykos still eligible to sit as a visiting judge?
mike doesn't stand a chance in november
Anon 6:18, did you say the same thing about 5/29?
I guess I need to trade in my crystal ball. I really thought the GOP primary would be a tight one and the Dem race would be a blow out. Consequently, I cast my vote for Mike even though I had every intent to vote for Zack in the general. Oh well, at least Lykos et al will be gone.
Working the polls, working the polls, sorry about the late post but after 10 days of working polls and attending a party last night I was tired. I find it interesting how people say it was one factor or another that brought about Mike's incredible victory but since I was working the polls and listening to people I would have to say it was everything. It seems to me that a lot of people had a lot of reasons why they were voting for Mike, Palmer taking the 5th, Lykos investigating the Grand Jury, Lykos lying about investigating the Grand Jury, Lykos not prosecuting drug cases, Lykos using divert, two Grand Juries investigating Lykos, the Rangers investigating Lykos, the loss of senior and talented attorneys but my favorite, the voter having some interaction with Lykos when she was herself. I can not tell you how many people voted for Mike because they had endured the Lykos experience. At the same time so many told me Mike sounded like he knew what to do in the courtroom, he had the experience to make those hard decisions, he knows how to work with prosecutors and he is dedicated to doing the right thing. It is hard to say what my favorite moment has been. It could be the day I spoke with a man who had known Lykos for 30 years and after explaining Mike's qualification, agreed Mike was the more qualified and was going to vote for Mike. It could be while photographing Lykos standing inside the the electioneering marker, Lykos turning and looking straight at me. She smiled and began walking to the marker. I lowered the camera and also smiled wondering who you complain to when the DA appears to be violating the law. No, my favorite moment was when the results came in and I knew Lykos was leaving the office.
Now I have to wait for my next favorite moment, Mike winning election and being sworn in as DA.
anon 7:01 - Zack definitely took one for the team; Any democrat that knew anything about the district attorney's office voted in the republican primary to get rid of Lykos. Thank you all.
I've never asked so I have to do so now.
Who is Big Jolly?
Is Don Hooper Rachel's husband?
Who is Rage?
Anon 8:19 p.m.,
Big Jolly is the nickname of David Jennings, a Republican Party activist who is a big Lykos backer. He's also a friend that I'm currently arguing with on the blog. I'm sure we'll get over it.
Don Hooper is Rachel Palmer's husband. He writes nasty things about good people. He's being quiet today, but I highly doubt we've heard the last of him.
Rage is an international man of mystery. He often disagrees with me and my posters. He's pretty damn smart and makes some good points, but he enjoys taunting folks more. The mention of his name on this blog gets everybody riled up. I don't know his EXACT identity, but I wouldn't share it if I did. I don't ever expose my anonymous commenters. He's not a half-bad guy when he isn't jacking with people.
Since I'm a current employee of the DA's Office, someone asked me today why she lost by such a big margin. I thought for a second or two and said, "That's what happens when you piss off 99% of your employees by treating them like they're a bunch of idiots. You know they have families and friends that went and voted."
Pat, do us all a favor and pack up and leave tomorrow. Please take the rest of your cronies, too. You've already done a lot of damage, so get out.
You and your mail pieces sucked. Calling us a frat house???? Are you serious? You cleaned up the DA's Office? You ran all the good people out and replaced them with idiots like you, a bunch of self centered trolls.
Everyone knows that you lost because of you and not from working in the DA's Office all day. You didn't lose because the election wasn't held in March and you didn't lose because of anyone else, but you.
You can't treat us like shit and expect us to support you.
Me and along with the other employees who are tired of taking your shit had all of our friends and families voting for Anderson.
I'd say at this stage in your life you'd know that, but you don't. So, good ridance. I hope you don't treat your animals like us.
Please don't screw up our office over the next 7 months. You've already done enough.
Thanks...for nothing
What a relief!
Ding dong...the witch is gone!
Still smiling myself.
I voted for Mike Anderson.... Now I hope he follows through and fire Rachel Palmer. A prosecutor should never have to invoke the fifth.
It was so exciting and such a relief to see Mike Anderson win big last night. Thanks to everyone for all your hard work. Thanks to all of you in the criminal justice world for letting those of us who are active in the Republican Party know what was going on.
Murray, it was great to finally get to meet you last night. Thanks for posing for a picture with us. Thanks for all you do to get the facts out.
im worried about Lloyd Oliver in the general election...he's got the homeless vote
And maybe now that new winds are blowing through the CJC we can get the judges to reform the corrupt system for appointing attorneys to indigent defendants in Harris county. I'm not advocating for a Public Defender at all. When the Fair Defense Act was implemented in Harris County in 2002 and the procedure was that we would sign up online and appointments would be made randomly from the computer. That has not happened. Some of us who are qualified for capital murder on down are now lucky to get one appointment every 6 weeks while some attorneyss get two or three appointments every week. The so call"wheel" is a joke in Harris County. It's obvious that the coordinators are in charge,not the judges,and I bet those who make the most campaign contributions get the most appointments, like in the bad old days.
To Anon May 30, 2012 7:05 PM:
It was great seeing you, after two years, at Mike's victory party. Enjoyed hearing about your taking pictures of Lykos campaigning inside the distance markers. It was definitely another sweet victory to add to the Marc Brown victory of 2010. Thanks for campaigning so hard for both those good candidates.
The picture in the chronicle captured a perfect "reality snap" moment for the troll when the early numbers hit her like a truck. Scary, but she actually believes the crap coming out her mouth. Mike on 13 tonight advised RP would not make it over, good luck with civil work RP, you sucked in the criminal arena, and in the human being arena.
Bunkering down till 2013 comes around.....
RP won't do any better in civil work - she is NOT a good lawyer. She doesn't think logically and is easily manipulated. She needs to go back and work at Nieman Marcus where she can look good, think smart and win!!!
Get your hand off my ass, Murray.
The numbers don't really indicate that Democrats crossed over to vote for Anderson. The other strong Republicans won and they damn sure weren't voted for by Democrats. And Lykos would have been much easier for (Oliver, holy shit) to beat.
In fact, I voted in the Republican primary just to vote FOR Lykos. I know several other Democrats who did, although others targeted different races than I did.
Plus, if Lykos created this atmosphere where people thought they could get away with anything, why would they vote against her? Why would the citizens get rid of a DA who wasn't going to charge them?
This election was a direct response to 2008. Republicans thought that Lykos was not tuff enough on crime, and wanted her out. Sure, the party bosses and other incumbents backed her, but they always back incumbents. That's what they do. The average Republican, who is generally swayed by campaign rhetoric like "OMG, the black people aren't getting arrested fast enough, and we'll be sent before death panels, and the gays are going to destroy our way of life if the invading Mexicans don't first" vote along those fears--even when they are unfounded and even when they are not in their best interest. That's all that happened here. Anderson was well organized, but Republican voters were scared.
I was very glad to see my buddy Cagle get by without a runoff. If Hartmann and others think that "every" commissioner is worthless, it's because they don't know Cagle. He is a right-winger's poster boy. Rice and Baylor grad, been married to the same woman forever, pro-life and anti-same-sex marriage, law-and-order, fiscally conservative. And although I disagree with some of those stances, he comes by those beliefs honestly and does not preach from the bench (now, commissioner's seat). He enforced the law as a judge even when it was contrary to his personal beliefs, because that's what an honest judge who is sworn to uphold the law does. Whether you agree with his endorsement of Lykos or not, you will be treated fairly by him.
As for Anderson, get ready for your taxes to go up. He will fill that jail again if he can, and we'll be back to the good ol' days of politicians looking tuff on crime to get elected.
Adios Rachel - http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/politics&id=8682499
I envision a new law firm: "Palmer, Hobbs, Leitner, Chow, Greenwood, Bily, Shadwick, Barnhill, Morris & Asshats"
Hand in the air, please, please someone give me relevance, please pick me.
Started to read the newest post and quickly realized it had to be Rage so I scrolled to the bottom and was right. The same plea for attention.
I don't know but I worked the polls and talked with people and learned why they were voting the way they were voting.
Now Rachel Palmer gets to experience what Murray, Luci, Joe, Craig, Mike, and all the others felt after the nutless wonder, Jim, gave them the walking papers in 2008. Hooper gets to know what it is like to watch someone you care for kneeling beneath the executioner, waiting for the ax to fall. This is worse though, because the wait for the blade is 7months. Palmer is the walking dead and Hooper the would-be widower. You can almost pity them. Nah.
Congratulations to the true prosecutors of the HCDAO for their victory!
Next, I ask that when Lykos packs her desk that she goes in halves with Adrian on a Uhaul. My fellow brothers and sisters are actually talking about working again ... almost like a new found initiative to be proactive instead of sitting idle and only being reactive.
Adrian and Lykos have brought more harm to HC than the public could ever dream up. Bring back trace cases and get rid of that nasty illegal DIVERT (I'm tired of seeing DWI 1st for the 4th time!).
Us in the LEO community helped spread the word about Mr. Anderson and we ask that you spread the word about Mr. Guthrie.
-HCSO Patrolman
"... And although I disagree with some of those stances,..."
I'm sure it's the anti-same sex marriage you disagree with the most.
I think Mike will have, and deserves, more help in November than he had this time. The still employed DAs now know we can win and they can come out from under the desks. The old DA family and spirit is coming back. Very, very pleased and happy I could help. I missed my friends.
"Please try to be that fair, just and professional organization that we all believe you can be."
I'm sure it's the anti-same sex marriage you disagree with the most.
I wouldn't say the most, but for years I've thought it wasn't fair that you couldn't get married, so it's up there.
Funny thing is, and I almost posted about it yesterday, I knew you'd come crawling out from under your rock once you weren't scared of getting fired by Lykos. In seven months I bet you're back in full force, as impotent as that may be.
My fellow brothers and sisters are actually talking about working again
What have my taxes been paying you to do for these last three years? You don't like your boss, so you stopped doing your job?
(I'm tired of seeing DWI 1st for the 4th time!).
This never happened. Not once. Not ever.
@Rage. This is way bigger than Murray's little blog. I knew that the second I started talking to random neighbors who didn't know about trace cases or jail population or running off ADAs.
Everyone had beef with this woman, and I mean random people in average neighborhoods, even stuff that is maybe not exactly her fault like the HPD crime lab or the BAT vans. People are sick of all the lies, and the taking the fifth, and the business as usual like HPD screwing everything up, which Patsy talked about a lot but did Jack and Coke.
People are fed up. I don't know anything about Anderson, really, but this isn't about him. I hope he understands this is a mandate to clean up all this BS and start telling the truth and asking hard questions to HPD. This will also, by the way, be a critical problem for the mayor shortly...
It's not just philosophy he wants to change, he's already identified at least one member of the Lykos team not likely to be part of his office.
He does not see how Rachel Palmer, a prosecutor who took the Fifth during a grand jury probe, can continue if he takes over.
"I don't know how you can gain the public trust or regain the image you want to have in the public if you have someone in the office that the public believes committed a crime and just won't testify about it," Anderson said.
What will Hooper do without Rachel's job? Surely he won't lower his standards and GET A JOB!
Ahhh Rage. I see the problem now. Being closeted has you all angry.
Relief is coming soon--http://news.yahoo.com/court-heart-gay-marriage-law-unconstitutional-144211083.html
Glad you asked what your taxes have been paying for for the last three years:
1. Making Lykos' office space bigger to befit a Queen
2. New wood floors for said office space and moving her secretary out into the hallway
3. Four Bureau Chiefs at about $140K each who are sycophants and incompetents
4. 4 "Investigators" who acted as henchmen and drivers who couldn't investigate their way out of a paper bag.
5. A fancy Media room to showcase "new" Divisions Liekos created by renaming existing Divisions.
6. Paying for gasoline for one of her Investigators to drive back and forth from Dayton every day in Liberty County.
7. Several PR people hiding under the cloak of being grant writers-what a joke.
8. Paying the salaries of a whole Division that Lykos has consistently refused to allow to go after corrupt officials.
9. Giving over a $1,000,000 to HPD for breathayzers in hopes that they would endorse her (didn't work)
10. Allowed Hannah Chow to decorate the office so it would look good rather than have Hannah do her job in Human Resources (which Chow knows nothing about)
I'm sure others can add to this list, but it makes a good start.
If you want to know about Louis Guthrie, just click on this:
Rage. This is way bigger than Murray's little blog.
I acknowledged this. Not sure why it is an issue.
trace cases or jail population or running off ADAs.
I think Lykos' policies ion trace cases and jail population are spot-on. I am not sure about the ADAs, entirely, but suspect that many were just fine to get rid of. Not Murray, of course. More people than you know are fine with her trace case policy.
People are sick of all the lies, and the taking the fifth, and the business as usual like HPD screwing everything up, which Patsy talked about a lot but did Jack and Coke.
Especially when presented to them in a fair and balanced manner, which I am sure you did...
Glad you asked what your taxes have been paying for for the last three years:
1. Making Lykos' office space bigger to befit a Queen
2. New wood floors for said office space and moving her secretary out into the hallway
3. Four Bureau Chiefs at about $140K each who are sycophants and incompetents
4. 4 "Investigators" who acted as henchmen and drivers who couldn't investigate their way out of a paper bag.
5. A fancy Media room to showcase "new" Divisions Liekos created by renaming existing Divisions.
6. Paying for gasoline for one of her Investigators to drive back and forth from Dayton every day in Liberty County.
7. Several PR people hiding under the cloak of being grant writers-what a joke.
8. Paying the salaries of a whole Division that Lykos has consistently refused to allow to go after corrupt officials.
9. Giving over a $1,000,000 to HPD for breathayzers in hopes that they would endorse her (didn't work)
10. Allowed Hannah Chow to decorate the office so it would look good rather than have Hannah do her job in Human Resources (which Chow knows nothing about)
I'm sure others can add to this list, but it makes a good start.
Start? Hell, that's almost nothing compared to $16,425,000.
That's sixteen and a half MILLION dollars. Do you know what that number represents? That is the yearly cost of keeping 1,000 prisoners in a privatized jail in Louisiana, which we no longer have to do in part because of Lykos' policies on trace cases and DIVERT. Yes, the increased use of PR bonds is the main factor, but every little bit helps.
By the way, that expense does not include health care (and remember, Harris County's jail is the largest mental health facility in the country) or transportation to and from court. That is just the bare cost of warehousing prisoners. A cost we no longer have to pay.
I'd say that pretty much makes new wood floors look like a drop in the bucket.
It constantly amazes me what you jackwagons get upset about.
Question to Jim Leitner:
"Was it worth it?"
Here's what Jim Leitner received in exchange for aligning himself with Pat Lykos:
A 50 per cent cut in pay
Loss of respect of most people in the CJC
False promise of getting to 'run the office'
Lost the chance of following Pat as the next DA
Four years of being insulted and belittled by Lykos
Complimentary castration
Got to wear a gold badge on his belt.
My family has known Pat Lykos for decades and in recent years I was nearly killed...I was left for dead on the side of the street and DA would not press charges against that person. pat never took my family call for help once...Johnny Holmes was available to the public hence we called him once at home and the funny part he told us he was on the pot while speaking to us and sadly Pat was not there for the people helped her for decades... We have quitely worked our tails off to get Anderson elected and it seems a lot of folks have...Pat should be ashamed of herself...
Anon 12:29
You forgot to mention the Investigators driving to Montgomery Co.
What have my taxes been paying you to do for these last three years? You don't like your boss, so you stopped doing your job?
Yes! I will not deviate too far from this thread but YES! Someone (blame game between Adrian and CC) froze out step pay incentives and froze all pay advancements as well. So, when you take away my step / incentive pay (which is contractually obligated to me when I reach the next level as per HCSO hiring me) I lost my own incentive to work. That, coupled with way too many other things that that Adrian has done to my beloved department (we can save that for when Mr. Newman decides to do a piece on the fall of HCSO because of Adrian or you can visit WWW.HCSO.BRAVEHOST.COM). Or I can tell you about him making IAD larger in manpower than almost all of the investigators combined. How would you feel to know there’s less than 10 people “investigating” every burglary in HC? Did you know the Executive Bureau has more civilians assigned there than Districts 2 & 3 have Certified Deputies? How about the certified Deputies that open Adrian’s mail and drive him around? TT drove himself around and would stop and say hi to everyone he saw. Adrian promised us OUR version of the Employee BoR but later refused to allow it, only to implement his own version of BoR. He has media relations people (Christina (Garza) Bouysset making $84,989 as a manager and Allen Bernstein making $104,000 as a director….what do they do beside send nasty gram emails to the Captains and promote Adrian on Telemundo……..oh wait, we also have other $100,000+ jobs that are coded as Dentists and LVN’s that are actually falsified documents and are civilians getting paid that, just under a PCN bait and switch tactic. I could go on and on and on Mr. Rage, but after this explanation and Lykos’ $$ explanation you, as a taxpayer (which I am too!), should be OUTRAGED!
(I'm tired of seeing DWI 1st for the 4th time!).
This never happened. Not once. Not ever.
I have……………..
HCSO Patrolman
Anonymous said...
If you want to know about Louis Guthrie, just click on this:
If you want to know about Louis Guthrie approach him like a man as ask him....I did...he'll be honest with you and answer your questions. Louis is a Cop first and a Politician second.
HCSO Patrolman
***By the way, that expense does not include health care (and remember, Harris County's jail is the largest mental health facility in the country) or transportation to and from court. That is just the bare cost of warehousing prisoners. A cost we no longer have to pay. ***
Do know know the truth behind our illustrious Medical ward at the jail? They refuse people at booking who say they took tylenol-not lying. They refuse prisoners that are "too drunk." And what happens when they refuse my prisoner? I have to pick up a phone, dial 911, and have HFD transport my prisoner to LBJ or the Tub because I'm not an ambulance.
You're tax dollars at work people!
HCSO Patrolman
Anon 5:54. I am very sorry to hear about your experience - but I am not surprised. I am not Anon 11:07, but I could have written that his/her post. I too worked at the polls on behalf of Anderson (about 25 hours total). I expected support from the police and legal community - I never dreamed I would get the response I received from the John Doe voter. Every third person had a personal reason why they would NOT vote for Lykos. Although their stories were diverse, the theme was the same...they were angry that Pat Lykos had personally failed them as the HC District Attorney.
Louis Guthrie is a bully with a badge and has one year of judgement 20 times over. In other words, it scares the be-Jesus out of me to think what kind of power-hungry Sheriff he'd be. I don't need to ask him anything. His IAD Personnel file tells me all I need to know about him. Talk about a return to frontier days. No thank you.
Rage, Rage,
Thanks for pointing out how cost effective it was to take 1,000 thieving, crackhead, burglars out of Harris County and keep them locked up in Louisiana. With their $1000 a day dope habits, every day they weren't in Harris county, citizens were saving a million dollars in lost property they were getting stolen.
Besides, you can't justify what Lykos was doing with our dollars by comparing it with the cost of the criminal justice system. Every crackhead out on a PR bond is stealing a huge amount of money everyday. We pay for it in lost property and higher insurance bills. We deserve better and 90,000 people agree with how poor a job Lykos was doing. Unfortunately, she has another seven months to run HCDAO into the ground a little more. His first year in office for Anderson will be trying to dig out from under the rumble she has left.
Anony at 8:25,
All Rage is trying to tell you is what the approximately 4 million voters in Harris county tried to tell you in 2008: the HCDA ain't perfect.
It obviously needed some changes, and obviously Lycos wasn't the one, but that doesn't mean it didn't need attention.
Many of those celebrating Lycos' defeat seem like you want to turn the clock back to 2007. Do that and you will be back out of office quickly.
We, the People, are definitely not wanting to go back to 2007. What we'd like to do is move forward in 2013 but with the Integrity of the office that was present in 1999 and the 30 years before when Carol Vance and then Johnny Holmes fashioned a Prosecution Office that followed the law and whose motto was to Do the Right Thing. The office leader in 2007 had moved away from that ideal after 2000. In 2007,an Honorable and astute man named Ken Magidson was appointed by the Governor to steer the ship until Lykos would take it over in 2008. His advice to her as he was leaving was that the ship had steadied under his hand and was again the well-oiled machine that Mr. Holmes had left. Lykos ignored Mr. Magidson and thumbed her nose at his wisdom. (He went on to become the US Attorney for the Southern District of Texas) The point is, there were many fine people at the HCDAO in 2008 and Ms. Lykos ran off 40 % of them in 3 years. No one wants to return to the management of the office to where it was by 2007. Mike Anderson has the history, the training, and the personal integrity to begin the process of rebuilding this office by applying the principles he learned from Mr. Holmes.
Hey Anon 12:29
You forgot about those Investigators driving back and forth to Montgomery Co. and Fort Bend Co . also.
Dearest J, I hope you enjoyed the way you talked to me when I was summoned to your office and you made me wait for almost an hour sweating while you played solitaire or texted or something.
You might have been better than me and outranked me then, and you might have thought I committed a grave judgment error, but who is laughing now? I made a mistake, but not as bad as yours, buddy. HA!
Hope you enjoyed your name-calling. I'm sure you did, at least when you were yelling at me like a insubordinate child; it was in your eyes. Then you made me suffer as well, and then I knew why you took this job. I won't ever forget that.
I was going to wish you on yourself, but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, who you may know by the way.
Bring back the Vance/Holmes frat (Animal House), where you always did the right thing, enjoyed your job, and never worried about someone looking over your shoulder. What happened to common sense?
So...you're for public corruption and waste of taxpayer money...and against putting criminals in jail?
And it amazes YOU about what upsets US?
Anony of 11:38 PM:
Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness.
When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Contrary to what Rage has coming out of his a&*, the county did not have to spend that money to house prisoners in Louisiana. It could have housed prisoners in Fort Bend County at the new jail they have (with less than 50% occupancy). Or, they could have spent $7 million to turn 1301 Franklin into a facility where class C offenders and Mental Health inmates could have been housed. Tommy Thomas and Commissioners Court didn't like each other at all, and to punish Tommy, Commissioners Court wouldn't fully fund the department. Now that Adrian is Commissioners Court's beotch, he is getting what he wants (funding to hire part-time white shirts, funding to hire more deputies and funding to fill positions created by turnover). The shire-reeve has also changed the overtime policy. Now instead of offering deputies and white-shirts the option of overtime for extra pay, they now are forced to work an extra shift, usually two times per week. The jail population has not decreased drastically. Staffing levels have increased because of the forced overtime policy. It's all window dressing.
Hooper is now shilling for Lloyd Oliver on his wasteland of a blog. Love it. Poor man is losing what's left of his mind. Someone reserve a bed at HCPC!
Things that Pat Lykos and Lloyd Oliver have in common:
1. Being investigated by a grand jury.
2. Having only a slightly better command of the English language than Don Hooper.
and, in November...
3. Losing to Mike Anderson
Yes! I will not deviate too far from this thread but YES!
So much for your "honorable service." Wish I could say I was surprised.
So...you're for public corruption and waste of taxpayer money...and against putting criminals in jail?
The lack of reading comprehension around here doesn't surprise me either.
8:25, I guess I could point out how states all over the nation are jailing fewer people and using supervision or other programs while crime rates continue to drop (as is the casein Texas, New York, California...), but that won't make much sense to you. We could save money by incarcerating fewer people, and continue to see crime drop, as we have. But knuckleheads like you think the only answer is an expensive prison economy. You're wrong, you just won't open your eyes and see it. The federal government used to pay $400 for toilet seats and hammers. You think that's "the cost of government?"
Corruption and waste should be ended at every level. Not just at the level where you dislike the person in charge.
Forgot to talk about this:
8. Paying the salaries of a whole Division that Lykos has consistently refused to allow to go after corrupt officials.
I'd like one solid example of this please. Just one name of one corrupt official, and what the corruption is that Lykos isn't allowing to get prosecuted.
Rumor is Lykos has started some retaliation today by firing at least one ranking employee she brought in with her.
8. Paying the salaries of a whole Division that Lykos has consistently refused to allow to go after corrupt officials.
I'd like one solid example of this please. Just one name of one corrupt official, and what the corruption is that Lykos isn't allowing to get prosecuted.
June 1, 2012 11:59 AM
To Rage:
Corrupt official - Edwin Harrison
To Rage:
Corrupt Political Figure Example 2:
Supreme Court Justice David Medina's Wife
Rachel Palmer: May have broken a law, but that's not the same as ongoing corruption. Try again.
Edwin Harrison: I don't know who he is and you haven't said how he is corrupt. I'm all ears.
Also don't forget that she only went after Judge Woody Densen after the victims of his criminal mischief got so frustrated with the Office's delay that they went to the media.
David Medina's wife is not a public official. And her alleged arson is not corruption. I agree she needs to be prosecuted, but we're talking public officials and corruption here.
Keep trying.
Anon 12:23,
Someone got fired while Lykos is still DA?
It MUST be retaliation!
Thank goodness we have these Anonymous Rumor Reports to keep everyone accurately informed.
LIEkos is terrible. Just look at how she ran off Scott Durfee last month.
I'm not doubting that she's soft-pedaling her job and protecting people. I would completely believe it (although you mention one official that she did go after, albeit belatedly, and we just went through a police officer trial...). But it takes more than "she doesn't prosecute corrupt officials" to make me a believer.
Names. Acts. Put some meat on the accusations.
From my perspective, anyone with information on the unreliability of the BAT vans should be looked into. That goes for everyone from top to bottom, not just Rachel Palmer, but anyone who had heard there may be problems but didn't report it as Brady material. And I'm betting that's quite a few line-prosecutors, as well.
But your anon commenters don't care about Brady material, and don't see those actions as worthy of looking into except to the extent that it might have gotten Palmer or Lykos in trouble.
Don't know who is so uninformed but Scott Durfee never went any where and he is still in his office.
Plenty of people know about Lykos refusing to allow investigations to continue or be presented to a Gran Jury. Several have been kept on the back burner as of today. Not naming names at this point; the facts will come out soon enough.
Shocked you don't know who Edwin Harrison is, formerly with the Harris County Attorneys Office where Lykos' brother Nick is the "Inspector General". Just refer to him as Nick Clouseau.
The next few weeks will be quite interesting as more folks will be emboldened to report what Lykos is really up to.
She completely balked at charging Densen. The other big factor in getting him charged was that it was an HPD case and they were demanding it go to a Grand Jury. The evidence against him was overwhelming which is why he pled out.
I was told she did the same thing on another Judge. She stalled the investigation and then refused to make the decision to allow it to go to the Grand Jury. She finally told Little Jimmy he had to make the decision because she just couldn't do it. Jim gave the go ahead and it was indicted. Judge was slam-dunked in trial and found guilty. If this would have been in Federal Court, she might have been charged with Obstruction of Justice. People on the outside have no clue how difficult it is to get approval to file certain charges in clearly warranted circumstances.
Sorry for the long post:
Just so you know I have nothing to do with the legal community other than a few friends in the field. I worked under a Police Captain in my job as an animal control officer and still have friends in that field as well. I don’t have a lot of legal training or experience. I took classes at a community college working towards becoming a Para Legal. So as you can see I am just an average citizen that happens to be fascinated with the different aspects of the law. I also hold people in office to a higher standard, I expect them to be honest and treat all people decently and fairly. Lycos failed miserably on that one.
I enjoy the controversy that you occasionally bring to this blog. It keeps the conversation going. I don’t agree with you most of the time, but that’s ok, that is what is so great about this country.
I would like to try to explain to you about what the citizens of H.C. want. You wrote: Plus, if Lycos created this atmosphere where people thought they could get away with anything, why would they vote against her? Why would the citizens get rid of a DA who wasn't going to charge them? Here is a simple answer to that question. The people that actually voted are average citizens that want to have a safe community for their families. The citizens that commit crimes and want to get away with everything are not likely to vote.
The majority of citizens that really care take the time to inform themselves about the candidates. Ms. Lycos certainly gave us a lot to think about. Getting investigated for investigating the Grand jury, being investigated by the Texas Rangers was enough for a lot of people to come to the decision she wasn’t the right person for the job. I think what put the icing on the cake was her refusal to punish R. Palmer for taking the fifth. That alone had some serious consequences for Pat. In the eyes of the citizens you have a woman who is over the District Attorneys office that should be above reproach. Instead of punishing R.P. she was moved into another office. That in itself speaks volumes of Lycos character. We expect more of our elected officials than that.
As far as you’re Comment: Anderson was well organized, but Republican voters were scared. You are right to a certain extent. What we the voters were scared of is an ineffective D.A. who proved time and again that she was morally bankrupt.
With Mike Anderson we know we are getting a man with integrity, one that will do the job with compassion and fairness. We won’t see a return of the good ole boy network either as you have predicted. I guess Lycos had the good ole girl network going strong. If you were a friend of hers anything was possible, just look at some of the unqualified people in positions of power. The only thing some of them had going for them was the favors they had done for Lycos.
Thanks to all the current staff that stayed under this awful regime. Very soon life will be better.
So we can enjoy the moment all over again :)
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