First, a little background:
Lykos has never been very "hands on" when it comes to the day-to-day running of her office. Until last Friday, she had First Assistant and body-builder extraordinaire Jim Leitner manage the job she was elected to do. Leitner's long awaited departure created a vacancy that Lykos could not leave unfilled for any amount of time -- hence the immediate rehiring of Bill Hawkins to be interim First Assistant.
Lykos couldn't make those day-to-day decisions herself for two reasons: 1) she doesn't know how to; and 2) she has something else on her agenda.
That something is apparently the Regional Crime Lab that has been talked about even prior to the 2008 District Attorney race. Lykos has always been a proponent of it and it looks like she's using the final months of her Administration to try to push it through.
Last week, Lykos met with Fort Bend District Attorney John Healy and Montgomery County District Attorney Brett Ligon, presumably to talk about the lab (since they are in the "Region"). That, coupled with a $2 million request on the Commissioner's Agenda (see below) give a pretty clear indication that the Lame Duck District Attorney is definitely serious about getting a new Crime Lab pushed through.
Certainly the idea of a Regional Crime Lab that is independent of police agencies is a good idea that should be explored and worked toward.
However, it would appear to me that Lykos' rush to get it put together in the remaining 68 days of her tenure is nothing short of reckless.
First of all, Lykos is spending money that belongs to the Office at an absolutely astronomical rate. Between what she has been handing out on frivolous training, outside police agencies, and now this, one can't help but wonder if her goal is to help law enforcement or to just deplete the discretionary funds before her successor arrives. She certainly didn't spend at such an insane rate when she thought she was going to be serving another four years.
Second, there is no way that all of the guidelines and protocols that will affect the Regional Crime Lab can be established in the next 68 days before she leaves office. She's throwing money at a project without knowing what the parameters of it are going to be. She can't set the policy for the next D.A.'s administration so isn't it rather arrogant that she thinks she can set the policies for another agency?
Finally, isn't the whole idea behind a Regional Crime Lab that it will have neutrality and not be considered a tool of the prosecution? How does throwing $2 million towards that project indicate "neutrality?"
The bottom line is that Lykos is making decisions that her successor should be making at this point. If Harris County has any semblance of a collective brain, that successor should be Mike Anderson. What she's doing is letting the air out of his tires before he gets up for work in the morning.
There were rumors awhile back that Lykos was making such a concerted effort to get this lab project under way so that it would be named after her. I don't know whether or not that particular rumor is true.
But I am certain that whatever her motivations may be, they are all about her.
Pat Lykos is a sick woman who is in the end stage of life as she sees it. The following diagnoses perfectly describes her and explains her actions:
DSM-IV-TR 301.81
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth edition, DSM IV-TR, a widely used manual for diagnosing mental disorders, defines narcissistic personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster B) as:[1]
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
Requires excessive admiration
Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
Shows arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes.
If they do name it after her maybe everyone can just refer to it as "the lame duck," as in "the results aren't in yet, we're still waiting to hear from lame duck."
I think its pretty obvious Lykos wants the Crime Lab named after her. But considering she ran the most corrupt administration in the history of the DA's office...naming the Crime Lab after her would be quite foolish
It appears as though Pat Lykos removed corruption from the HCDAO. As far as the less than two million goes, relax Mike, and Mike's contributors. In the event the voters actually elect the truly corrupt beaurocrat, you will still be able to direct some of the contracting to the entities that contributed over $700K to your campaign. Doesn't the HCDAO office get a new budget for the next fiscal year? Expect the request to be astronomical, unless Lloyd gets elected. I am thinking the county should find money to pay deserved bonuses to the worthy. The Christmas holidays are not that far away.
I think it is time Murray"s blog readers name the new crime lab - we need to identify a fallen officer, a crime victim, a local hero (no Lykos), or anyone else and start a petition and campaign to name the new lab to make sure it is NOT named after the witch
The regional crime lab will be anything but independent. The plan is just to put different cops from different places in charge of it.
If the idea is to make the crime appear independent then it probably shouldnt be named after a police officer, victim or Johnny Homles.
Anon 6:30 a.m.,
I agree that with most of her upper echelon leaving, Lykos has gotten rid of SOME of the corruption in the Office, but she still has a long way to go. As long as she is there, it will continue to exist.
The rest of your post demonstrating how little you understand about the county budget would require a post of its own. I think it is funny that you think that if a candidate's supporters think so highly of him that they contribute to his campaign that is a bad sign. Judge Anderson's supporters are grateful he's running for the Office and want to do everything they can to help him.
After Lykos and the 5th Amendment Bunch leave, there is going to be a lot of damage repair to do.
Murray, you are missing the point. Lykos' hope is that when she runs for Attorney General (again) or seeks a federal judge appointment, she can say that SHE got the regional crime lab established all by herself. There is always a selfish motive behind any action she takes.
The woman is 70 years old! There's a rocking chair with her name on it on her ranch and that's where she can do the most good.
Lykos to get Federal Bench after Romney elected
anon 9:47
God help us. That woman isn't smart enough to carry the briefcase for a federal judge. But, hmmmm, from a lawyer's point of view, that could be a good thing.....
Well, a regional crime lab has been in the works for a while, and in a serious way. In fact, we came pretty close to going in with the city of Houston on theirs and making it larger, but Houston refused to completely isolate it from those who caused the problem at the HPD lab in the first place (namely, the City of Houston, and Bradford), so the city presses forward with their own lab and the regional lab moves forward as well. It's already a done deal and will be implemented.
But, as for this: "Finally, isn't the whole idea behind a Regional Crime Lab that it will have neutrality and not be considered a tool of the prosecution?"
You gotta' be kiddin' me. Do you think as a defense lawyer you will have the same access to the lab and its equipment and employees that a prosecutor will? If you come up with a bloody bandana and take it to the lab and tell them to test it, do you think they will? Or will you be able to use it in a post-conviction DNA test?
Not a chance in hell.
Finally, isn't the whole idea behind a Regional Crime Lab that it will have neutrality and not be considered a tool of the prosecution?
Lykos tired for the fed bench once before but her fellow district judges blocked it in a big way.
I think it is time Murray"s blog readers name the new crime lab - we need to identify a fallen officer, a crime victim, a local hero (no Lykos)
Wouldn't it be more appropriate to nae it after one of the many citizens who were exonerated after a wrongful conviction by using modern forensics instead of the junk science usually found in criminal courtrooms?
Anon 9:47
Another very excellent reason not to elect Romney.
Get smart. We experienced his like for 8 years prior to
2009, and in the House of Representatives since.
Anon 9:47
Another Very Excellent reason NOT to elect Romney.
His waffling positions and statements are scary.
And those he represents will take us right back to
2001-2009. Were you happier then?
Someone said Ted Poe will be the new Attorney General for Romney.Will that be good or bad?How was he as a prosecutor and judge? He seems to be good guy and gives a great speech.
Romney is not going to appoint Lykos to a federal bench. Who comes up with these loony ideas? Come on people, stop falling for this stupid stuff.
Rage, for the first time I can recall, I actually agree with one of your observances. I agree that the Lab should be named after one of the exonerated folks. Makes perfect sense. As far as a regional crime lab is concerned, I have no idea why the City of Houston hasn't thrown full support behind it. As a former Homicide Investigator, I can say that personally, I think it's a great idea. I truly can't wait for it to happen, actually.
I have no idea why the City of Houston hasn't thrown full support behind it.
Look at the "corporation" created to administer the Houston lab, and how the members will be appointed.
The one basic problem the commissioners had was that the very people and institutions who caused the HPD lab problems will be helping call the shots in the Houston lab. The city of Houston wants to maintain control, and the commissioners wanted no part of that.
They have to keep the trains running to railroad more people. What a joke the crime lab is.
Hey Murray, hate to burst your bubble but myself, Healy and Jack Roady all met in Harris County as a follow up on the DPS chemist to hear from the OIG Inspector and the lab director. MoCo has approx 1200 cases, Galveston has about 1100 and Harris County has about 250 that were all performed by the same lab tech.
Having said all that, and after representing several employees involved in the HPD Crime Lab debacle, I for one am completely in favor of a truly independent crime lab. I just think it should be located in beautiful Montgomery County��
Brett Ligon
"The woman is 70 years old! There's a rocking chair with her name on it on her ranch and that's where she can do the most good.
October 25, 2012 9:26 AM"
Do you have one shred of evidence to prove she is a woman?
Prez aint gonna blow a nomination on someone that old. Nominee will be much younger in order to serve longer...
I just think it should be located in beautiful Montgomery County
Don't you think waiting ten days for the results to get from Montgomery County to Houston is too long?
Adrian's doing the same here, spending money like he's scared of Louis. He recently denied a grant to put our Academy on a generator system and wants to pay cash money for it.
If Garcia is involved, I'd look hard at who gets the generator sale to the SO, I would guess a Garcia ass kisser would be a safe bet.
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