
Monday, February 1, 2010

The Race for County Court at Law # 12 (Democrat)

There are two attorneys running in the Democratic primary to face off against incumbent Judge Robin Brown for Court 12 in November. Robert Cardenas and Cheryl Harris-Diggs both practice criminal law, but I'm only familiar with Robert. Neither candidate appears to have an available website for their campaigns that I could find.

I recognize Ms. Diggs' name, but I don't believe that we've ever dealt with each other on a case. Maybe one of the commenters will be able to provide some information on her.

Robert and I tried a case against each other back when I was a Baby Prosecutor, and I recall him as being a very ethical and pleasant person to try a case against. He was fairly quiet, but he was thorough in his defense. We tried a DWI case against each other and I do remember that he cultivated a defense indicating his client had diabetes. Although the defense ultimately did not work, Robert had done a thorough job of presenting the case and establishing his defense.

He was above-board throughout the trial and I never knew of anyone ever having a problem with the way he handles his business.


Anonymous said...

Robin Brown is the fairest judge in Harris County. She can hammer a defendant and hold the State to its burden.

Court 12 is also a little calmer & quieter w/o Brenda & Matzig. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Just different.

Anonymous said...

I like Judge Brown. Why didn't you endorse her? Anything I need to know?

Murray Newman said...

I like Judge Brown too, but for the primaries, she's uncontested. I'll do my endorsements for the November elections in the Fall.

Right now, it's all I can do to keep up with just the primaries!

Anonymous said...

Murray, I started at the DA's office at the same time you did and worked a lot with Cheryl on the misd. level and a little on the felony level. She was always professional and very ethical. She speaks fluent Spanish and so she got a lot of appointments. She also practiced family law on occasion, specializing in adoptions. She has spoken at HBA CLEs on that topic. But I think she did more criminal law than family law.

I think Judge Brown is okay, not great, not bad, but okay. And I usually vote Republican. But I think very highly of Cheryl and when I found out she was running, I thought "I'd vote for her in a heartbeat" no matter who she was running against or which court she was running in. She's humble, she is compassionate, she is smart, and that's who I want as a Judge --I would be shocked if she got "black robe disease." In sum, she's good people. I know most of you would recognize her if you saw her.

Anonymous said...

There must be more than one Robert Cardenas in the CJC. The one I frequently encounter is condesending to his clients and rude to court staff. Judicial temperment? I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

I've known Robert since elementary school and while I rarely vote for Dems; I've never known him to be rude or condescending.

Anonymous said...

I just looked at Cheryl Diggs' website and all its about is family law. She is running for a criminal bench but I've never seen her in a trial or doing a motion to suppress or anything. I think I once saw her in a Skelton seminar and remember seeing her speaking Spanish in the holdover. I remember she'd plea her people out and then leave the courthouse. Once, I was behind her and saw her walking and then entering the family courthouse.
If she lectured on adoptions I think that's good, but it just shows me she's really into family law.
I guess the big issue is that it's criminal court #12 and not family court #12.

Anonymous said...

Robert represented a member of the family and he did an excellent job-He is very professional,and knowledgeable.
Robert has my vote and that of my family.

Anonymous said...


The 2024 Election

Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...