
Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Race for County Court at Law # 13 (Democrat)

The final contested primary at the Misdemeanor level is that of County Court at Law # 13, where Dennis Slate and John V. O'Sullivan are competing on the Democratic ticket to replace retiring Judge Mark Atkinson.

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with John V. O'Sullivan, or at least, I'm not putting a face with a name. He also doesn't have a website up for me to do an unofficial photo array. His name sounds extremely familiar and I've been told I would know who he was if I saw him. But, right now, I've got nothing. I have heard that he's a nice guy.

I do know Dennis Slate, however, and I've got to say that his resume is an impressive one. As you can see from his website, he's been in the military since he graduated from high school, and in addition to his law practice, he has also been serving as a municipal associate judge in both Pearland and Houston.

Someone had previously written on the blog that Dennis didn't do criminal law, but that's not true. I have seen him working on criminal cases at the CJC on numerous occasions. It's true that he doesn't do all his work here, but he isn't someone who has never walked in the door of the place.

On a personal level, Dennis is a good guy. He and I have a group of mutual friends so we run into each other every once in a while. He's clearly a very intelligent attorney with a good and balanced demeanor who would make a good judge.


Anonymous said...

I had never heard of John before we tried a very complex, four death intoxicated manslaughter case back in 1999-2000. He was a formidable adversary and quite an honorable gentleman in the courtroom and out. No tricks. No funny business.

Our case involved an explorer and firestone tires (as well as a very high blood alcohol and some cocaine thrown in), not to mention law enforcement investigation problems. It ended well for the State, and I have to say that even though I was skeptical of his abilities before handling the case with him, I was very impressed with him after it was over.

We spent months doing discovery, complex discovery regarding Ford and Firestone and we both spents lots of $$ on experts. In the end, he pleaded for big years on each count. No jacking the State or the victims around from what was an inevitable outcome.

I'm telling my friends in Houston to vote for him.


Anonymous said...

Dennis Slate would be a breath of fresh air to the Judiciary. His military background gives him a unique insight into dealing with the young adults in trouble.

Anonymous said...

Slate is an overall good guy. He'd be a terrible, terrible judge. I can barely imagine a worse one. He's a family lawyer. Make no mistake, misdemeanor courts aren't filled with young people in trouble. Good guy? Sure. Good judge? Shit no.

Anonymous said...

Like hell misdemeanor courts aren't filled with young people in trouble. It can be a real fork in the road for many of them. I think Dennis Slate would be perfect for a misdemeanor bench. To characterize him as a family lawyer is not really truthrul either.

Aggie Pct Chair said...

Don't waste your time with this one. It ain't gonna happen. The USA has seen what Obama has done. There is no earthly chance in hell that a Democrat wins this go around.

Anonymous said...

Characterizing Slate as a family lawyer is a hell of a lot more truthful than saying he's a criminal lawyer.

What is it you think misdemeanor judges do? How would they help "troubled youth"?? The da's office offers mire pretrial diversions and deferreds than ever before, and the same thing that has always been true is still true--some screw it up, and some don't. It has nothing to do with the judge.

Anonymous said...

APC, I guess the drop in unemployment was a result of the Republicans voting against bills they co-sponsered, voting against anything Obama supports, it certainly could not be the result of the efforts of the Obama administration. I would try to educate you but it is impossible to educate the walking mindless minions of Glenn, Rush, Sean, Bill and the other Tories.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:22: I'm glad I'm not the only CJC blog reader who thinks this way. We finally have an intelligent, thinking and reasoning President and you have some Republicans who are more interested in playing party politics than working with him to fix the mess Bush got us in.

I get angry when I see Obama try to work with the other side because I know he will be rejected but I have to remind myself that his willingness to make the effort is one of the reasons I voted for him.

I can't believe in this crucial time of needing to work together some would rather latch on to conspiracy theories fueled by fear and hate. There was a time we looked up to educated men with ideals and principles but now we look to high school educated hate mongers to define our political beliefs.

Its time we realize that we are all striving for the same basic goals we just disagree about the best way to accomplish that. This great divide is destroying us.

Aggie Pct Chair said...

Obama is a fraud. He is intelligent but he is not a leader. After this election, you will see the damage he has done and you can post: "APC, I am sorry and you were right."

Anonymous said...

The Democrats will win all the county court benches this year according to Richard Murray poll.Some of the felony judges will be gone. Lots of new faces at the courthouse.

Anonymous said...

I really thought about responding to APC but I realize he is hopeless. Not worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

APC, what precinct would allow you to be a chair?

Unknown said...

Anyone that would vote for John O'Sullivan needs to dig a little deeper. I believe the ability to judge others is earned by the way that one treats and respects their family. Dig deep on this as you may be surprised

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Monday, October 21st kicks off the Early Voting for the 2024 Election in Texas, and as always, the Harris County Criminal Justice World has ...